>Two Spirit Senior Advisor
*breathe in*

Attached: lmao.png (680x520, 182.4K)

The chad 2S vs. the virgin lgbtqi+

>2 Spirits
Are they alcoholics?

Worse, they're a g-g-g-g-gghoooost!

Gas sniffing alcoholic ghosts

I have no fucking idea what any of that means. Can someone translate this into English?

Attached: niggerbabble translator 2.jpg (600x600, 51.33K)

100 million well spent dollarinos anons
I personally don't think it's enough

In First Nations dual spirited is a kind of Heyoka. Sacred jester. Usually a chick but occasionally a tranny. You hire heyoka to tell you painful truths.

Just if you weren't aware of what that meant in First Nations

Attached: Heyoka.jpg (250x307, 25.33K)

Oh so they're demons

War Plan Red when?

Fuckin abos want to be included in everything

Don’t be a cretin. It costs millions to re-print everything with the characters “2S” in front of everything. Now, it’s money well-spent, that’s another issue. But if you don’t in the program they’ll tattoo “2S”s to your forehead and your asshole, and that’s even more money. So shut the fuck up and start reciting the alphabet backwards in English, French and Albertan. Eat, pray, love, muthafucka.

Fuck man this will lead to infinite government job inflation. Just invent a new part of the acronym and boom, gov job.

Even better, they're eligible for twice the gibs

>faggots cucked by injuns
lmao, even

who are as far left as can be by nature they are heyoka. Pretty natural, been a thing for longer than Abraham, almost as long as Buddhism and about the same a pagan practice. In Celt they would be called jesters. In modern terms, stand up comic that offer consultation services to problems that need a different perspective to either figure out another direction. Maybe spot something you've missed.

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>one hundred fucking million dollars on this shit
I'm glad I don't pay much in taxes. But I still have to put up with this at the end of the day.

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but the whole parliament is already full of those anyway

2slgbtq+ is a fancy way of saying anybody but white straight men.

>Two Spirit

Finally the demon possessed are getting official representation.

So basically, they're drag queens.

Attached: horned-drag-queen-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 102.67K)

What they are doesn't really matter dude. There's probably a total of 2000 of them in the entire country. What is so special that they'd deserve the forefront of the entity known as lgbt, and why would they need a representation for 2k retards?

I'm not paying some bitch or tranny clowns to berate me.
or worse, sit while there while they do a half hour bit about there goddamned rot-pockets.
Leaf, you should have tossed this fucking trash in a campfire 400 years ago.
