Nixon and Kissenger explain the Indian people

Nixon: What do the Indians have?

Kissinger: Yes it's pure flattery, Mr. President. They are masters at flattery...masters at subtle flattery. That's how they survived 600 years.

Nixon: That's all they've got, is flattery.

Kissinger: They suck up. Their great skill is to suck up to people in key positions.

Nixon: Undoubtedly, the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women. Undoubtedly. I've never seen one - oh, I've seen a couple. The most sexless, nothing, these people. I mean, people say "What about the black Africans?" Well you can see something, the vitality there. I mean they have a little animal-like charm. But God, those Indians, ack, pathetic. Ugh.

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Some funny shit.

Love Nixon. Genuinely, makes Trump look like nothing.

After listening to the tapes I came to like him. But I don't know what he actually did as President.

He's right, but he forgot to mention that their pheromone smells like shit.

Didn't Nixon get killed?

> He suffered a debilitating stroke on April 18, 1994, and died four days later at age 81. Surveys of historians and political scientists have ranked Nixon as a below-average president

Okay he died on his own.

t. Indian

sold the US out to Chinkery as a means of lining his pockets, basically

Typical Rockefeller-Kissinger policy.

That is the retarded Reagan boomer critique of him. He had nothing to do with things that happened decades after he left and was probably the most effective cold warrior of them all. Certainly better than LBJ, Reagan or Bush. Nixon unironically takes a high IQ to appreciate.

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You are mislabelling "high susceptibility to cognitive dissonance" with "high iq".

Ah yes, only the high IQ can appreciate Social Security and useless agencies like the EPA. Go play in traffic, tard


Nixon was based

How's the weather at tel aviv?
Nixon was the last white non zionist president. Just count how many time he says kike in Nixon tapes.

the real reason he was booted is here. this man deserved more.

>useless agencies like the EPA
Drink leaded gasoline, boomer fucktard.


Top kek
That's utterly based.

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Maybe in private, but his actual decisions as president were fucking retarded and he constantly showed weakness.

S oy Goy detected



Basically has Kissassinger kissing his ass trying to (somewhat successfully) manipulate him for jewish purposes.


Behind closed doors, and a lot of you won't believe this, but behind closed doors- literally everyone is a race realist

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Yeah, this sold the us out to the Chinese angle seems like revisionism. It was genuinely a backwater poor country in 1972. Not pumping the breaks somewhere between 1995-2005 was the real idiocy.

Poo, get the fuck out of Germany.

Not if you consider the benefits of what's coming. They've already fucked their economy.