Attached: bf5.jpg (343x361, 20.95K)

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It would be sad if Makaron will be hung. Would hate if that happens.

That would be a shame yes.
We're talking about the French.
Total missed opportunity if they don't use a guillotine.


Why do they keep jumping the gun?
They need to do it in the heart of the winter or else their customers will just start preparing for it

They are using every excuse to reduce the flow now.
In the winter they'll cut it all off and flip the regime change attempt on their enemies.


Don't think so: people and governments were already anticipating this and preparing, but there's only so much that can be done
Firewood is getting really expensive around here...

Was France even using that much.

Based, fuck french niggers

Attached: IMG_20220830_130320.jpg (3000x3000, 3.62M)

If only it was oxygen, so they'd get done like in Total Recall.

Attached: ACK.jpg (400x500, 49.54K)


Hey Russia, stop doing war
>lul no, we're gonna keep going
Fine, we'll stop buying your gas then
>Nooo :( we need to keep selling to make money
Just stop making war and we'll fix relationship and buy again
>Nope. In fact, if you don't wanna buy, we're not gonna sell you any
Nooooo :( we need that gas to keep prices down during winter

Literally feels like I'm watching a kindergarten fight unfolding


this is pathetic. Russia is retaliating against american millitary getting closer and closer of their border. it's a legitimate war, and we're punished for being american puppet

fuck this shit. fuck america.

snownigger you can't even afford copper pipes ?

Around 18% of their gas is/was Russian, I dont think it really matters because Algeria is very close and France is conected to both Italian and Spanish gas pipelines which in turn are conected to Algeria, theyll just switch to them.

Stock ripping higher on Moscow.

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-08-30 03-35-04.png (878x575, 49.55K)

B b b bbuuutt how will the Frenchies bake their baguettes?

Yes but France let Italy and Spain get their contracts first. Algeria don't have unlimited gas.