Why nonwhites should support Jews

>"One might ask why they should ever support the Jews over the Aryans? Jews seem like a nasty parasitically evil group while the Aryans appear to be nation builders and naturally noble. On a closer look, the nature of the Aryan and the Jew stem from little other than lookism. Aryans are naturally beautiful, they naturally got along with each other due to the halo effect. Their looks allowed them to empathize with eachother and build societies based on the rule of law. Non-Aryan tribes, particularly the semites, were cast aside solely due to their looks. Semites were seen as outsiders by most other tribes, especially the Aryans. After all, why would a civilization of beautiful blond people want ugly hook nosed people among their ranks? The Semites and non-Aryan tribes were essentially bullied by the Aryans for being of inferior genetic stock. This is where the semitic hatred for the Aryans comes from. This is why they would rather parasite their way into Aryan civilizations than build their own, because even if they did build their own they would always be an inferior laughing stock of the beautiful Aryans."

The Jews do not have the tallness of the Whites, the Chadness of the Tyrones, or even the intelligence of the Sino-stock Asians. Yet they still persevered and gained their victory through schemes and treachery.

Nonwhites should symphatize with the Jews because even though the world, especially the Chad Whites, treats them as outcasts, subhumans, and ugly, they still persevered and won.

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they chose to be outcasts cause they hate everyone else

hang yourself, kike


We should support Jews because whites have historically been trying to eradicate us and Jews keep them down. So naturally Jews are our allies against whites. Right now whites might be playing the "we are tolerant liberals" game, but if they ever break the spell of Jewish control, they will go back to their old ways. Luckily, whites have made enemies literally in every part of the world, so its easy to come together and support Jews in their actions towards them.

Jews want access to white societies so they can steal white genes. This is true for other races too.

There's a theory that this "bride gathering" is a built-in feature of Judaism. It's designed to steal Aryan women.

You're white. There has been a historic German Slavic rivalry but the rest of Europe accepts Slavs. Germany accepts you guys too. Russians are white, no one thinks you are non-white.

They don't accept Russia for political reasons not because of your race.

I don't like kikes but racist crackers here make me want to support them

Middle Easterners have far more in common with Jews than whites. The Arab-Jewish conflict is a brother war. I'm not saying Arabs should accept Jewish control over Palestine, but they are related people fighting it out.

This. Kikes are maybe manipulative evil degenerate subhuman bastards, but nonwhites can sympathize with them because we know the pain of being bullied by White Chads. The humiliation that we have to endure, the Jews know it too.

The Aryans are gifted in terms of Physiology and Intelligence. While us have shit genes, shit resources, and shit geography.

The reason I admire the Kikes is because despite their disadvantages and innate shortcomings, they managed to make the Aryan Chads blessed by the world to kneel like a bitch. It gives me hope.

Everyone hates you. There's nowhere left to hide. Israel is your only remaining choice. Imagine if all the jews had to live in Israel and work for everything they have like everyone else?

Its just whites being whites. When they need you for one reason or another, they consider you white. But when they need to justify eradicating you, you become non-white again in a heartbeat. You got to understand their nature. There is really no benefit in their acceptance, since they will go back on their word the second they need to.

This is only true with Germans and it's because you are their biggest historic enemy. Other parts of Europe are not as hostile.

all that is, is 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' but it is actually not a very good idea, because jews want full control of everything, and they won't stop after destroying whites they will attack you too, all things considered whites actually did improve the places that they ruled. There are very few countries that the British used to rule that ended up getting better after the British left. You can say the exact opposite about where jews have been. So you brownies might want to rethink this, whitey is the best man to have fighting in your corner.

You will never be a jew, for jews you were born a goy and remain as subhuman gentile for the rest of your life, it will never ever matter to us how many sacrifices you'll make, you will never be considered a being worth any kind of right to exist among "god's chosen", but go ahead, enjoy your bloodstained shekels while you can

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>Imagine if all the jews had to live in Israel and work for everything they have like everyone else?
Do you actually think the scheming and backstabbing plans of the Jews are easy to execute?

Their treacherous plans and schemes requires a great amount of tenacity. They were kicked out of hundred countries for their kikery, but they still persevered to conquer your banks and control your nations. It's actually admiring of how their decade long plans were tenaciously executed

Partially you are correct, but its also because Germans have historically been the country in the West that valued race the most. Modern Westerners don't really care about being white or not white.

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Kikes use niggers as their lumpen proletariat, once they have finished off whites , they would fear their weapon (blacks ) would be used against them. What do you think they will do ?


It wasn’t because the Jews were ugly on the outside, it was their ugliness on the inside that got them into trouble user.