Who the fuck is Ben Franklin to declare who is and who isn't white?

And why do mutts worship this fat bald fuck?

Attached: Ben Franklin map.jpg (800x718, 264.12K)

Benjamin Franklin was smarter than most Europeans at the time

I am part of the blue area
northern germans aren't white

He fucked a lot of French whores

He was right

At that time, that is where most successful people were from

Youre an idiot

He only saw parts of Europe.

A child killer, that's what he was, primerly.
Then an inventor, orgy opsesed fool, a mason plus other orders, any order really wherr he can be a degenerate killer rapist... and ultimetly a hater of actual white people and all people alike.

Evil man.
Rmemeber folks they made US to sacrifice her!
The eagle is a Phoenix in their books, a blood bird!
Let's try to prevent that.

Just now too wise!

Unlike you, he had a sense of humor.
You're literally retarded if you think he was serious about swarthies when we're talking about the guy who spent half his time taking a bath with married French madams and sunbathing naked.

because he created the post office and electricity

franklin was a freemason so by default he was a kike puppet, a shabbos goy

>Ben Franklin proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that OP is not white
>OP seethes
Swarthiod niggers are highly predictable. Big Ben Franklin vindicated once again.

1700s shitpost
Show flag kike

Dont forget the carpentry he had done in a famous kill house in UK where children were berried beneath those floors.
And many others alike him, there and elsewhere.

Now look at London

Why kill them when fucking them was legal?

Seething swarthoids ITT

Attached: benfrank.jpg (959x645, 105.29K)

Find a flaw

He also suggested prohibiting the entry of Jews into the united states. (for obvious reasons)

PS: This is a divide and conquer slide thread. Don't forget to sage.