What if instead of bitching about politics, you become a politician yourself? Be the change you want to be and all that

What if instead of bitching about politics, you become a politician yourself? Be the change you want to be and all that.

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based and Hitlerpilled.

what does 2d braaps smell like, bros????

>if you hate this theatrical act why don't you become an actor yourself?
Fucking idiot. There is no political solution.

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ok, fund me


Most of the people here don't have 2 friends to rub together to make a third...
>They can't get any political momentum going.

I can't get a security clearance. My brother is a convicted felon. I was a Ron Paul delegate, does that count?

You can't just "become" a politician, you need the contacts and be born into it.
There's not been a single politician with influence that came from a middle class or lower family.

I dont have money to burn to get on a ballot, and you have to suck alot of dick to have a party put up money for you to get on a ballot

My plan would be to print out a bunch of fliers with my ideas and go mailbox to mailbox to everyone in the region, start off with the house of representatives since it's a smaller area. And hold rallies maybe and just do whatever you can.

That is definitely not true. Sure there are a lot of rich kids, but it's not 100%. That is actually why MPs get paid. Before it was 100% people who were already rich enough in their own right to be able to afford to piss about in politics for free. They introduced a salary so more lowly people are able to do it.

because i'd be shot by the chosen people the second i talk about my real views

how about u kill urself u fucking faggot

I'm Gavin Newsom and I hate Califaggia so I'm destroying it on purpose

>Instead of bitching about dicksucking whores why don't you become a dicksucking whore yourself? Be the change you want to see and all that.
I'm here for feet.

Pretty sure if someone can just become a politician to change the world, they would've done that by now.

Being that it never happened, it seems to prove that there's more complicated bullshit going on, at least in the political department.

And this lazy half assed method seems to be functional.

James Allsup


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mmmm FOOTA

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Cause anyone who doesn't go by the status quo gets cuffs slapped on them or stuck in menial employment as soon as they walk off the graduation stage.
The rest, the ones who followed the programming will just continue the status quo.

Doesn't realize the establishment will destroy you if you fuck with their crime organization. Seasoned.

oh no, now you did it

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Where's Hitler here?

i remember when i discovered the gwen_tennyson tag on rule34.paheal.net


>fapping to underage cartoon girls
Shouldn't you be on jail for that?

Male feet faggots deserve the rope

make america FEET again

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>What if instead of bitching about politics, you become a politician yourself? Be the change you want to be and all that.
Says the dipshit that never follows his own advice.
Hint: it won't work retard.

see pauline hanson, locked up, fined, both large parties funded protesters to harass her, targeted by police, the media hate machine activated the npc's against her, then after 20 years gets a seat in senate to be ignored and talked over by a sea of corrupt faces.

doing things the " right" way does not work, it is not the way the current governments do things.

I hate the US government. I know elections and policy changes will not work because the change I want would end the US government. Also, becoming a politician makes you part of the system which is designed to ensure you can not change the major parts of government but rather only tweak inconsequential parts that have no impact on the system aa a whole

The only solution to the many social and political problems is the destruction of the US government both foreign and domestic. Undermine the institutions and ensure everyone understands the cancerous nature of the government and their propagandists in the corporate media. I want to destroy the system not become trapped by becoming part of the system

Because I’m a criminal

Because I already am a shadow leader controlling this world.

u can only be a criminal if u follow laws

the game is rigged.
i dont want to be a politician.
politicians aren't in control. they are the face for the public.

What if, instead of bitching about crime, you become a criminal yourself?


If I became a politician I would run on a platform of mandating young women wear short skirts.