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Why do some Afghans look like this

Attached: Kalash-people.jpg (632x519, 58.74K)


Alexander and his men fucked their way through there ~2400 years ago

cause persians

because most white people come from ancient pajeets. blue eyes came from west asia

lost tribes.

modern white people sort of originated in central asia (sort of)
there is no single clear boundary between "white" and "not white" just like there's not a single certain point on a colour wheel where yellow turns to red, but that doesn't make broad categories like these useless

Afghans aren't pajeets retard, The only pajeets that are somewhat caucasian are the ones that are Persian rape babies.

because it's located in Eurasia


It's not just Afghanistan, but parts of Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan and China. The people pictured are part of a larger ethnogrouping called Pamirids, who are ultimately the descendants of the Sintashta culture, a migratory split off from the Yamnaya, or proto-Indo-European culture, that ultimately conquered the region. Because of the extremely rough terrain of the area, they were able to live and develop in relative isolation - meaning they did not mix as much with outside peoples (for instance, the Dravidians that were native to the region). That said, they are still closely related to the neighboring peoples, and only a small amount of them actually look like this.

It's not Alexander, it's not Scythians, it's not some conspiracy. These people are the descendants of the Sintashta culture that migrated south from Central Asia and have lived in this region for thousands of years.

Genetic mutation defect aka albinism

Attached: C946EF12-3BBC-48E0-B6C4-6B7305C01A69.png (495x384, 280.5K)

Found the albino

You're pretty much right but you're ignoring that those genetics used to be dominant in the whole region, those are the descendants of the original and pure "Iranians", whose lands extended from the Ukraine to the Tigris to the Tian Shan.


You keep seeing the same faces over and over again. NO, most Afghans don't look like this. A few do. And you can find the same thing as a counter point in European populations. George Clooney is Irish and German but looks like a Syrian or Iraqi by hair, eye, and skin tone. You'll always find some genetic variation which includes people that are lighter and darker skin within the same ethnic or racial group.

The middle east was white. In fact, whites once inhabited the territories from North Africa to the Tarim basin.

Another thing to add is that you often see pictures of children with red or blonde hair and European features. As they get older, their hair turns black or brown and their faces definitely grow to be more Indic or Iranic. The ones that look superficially European are extreme outliers.



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Afghan isn't an ethnic group buddy. The more isolated East Iranian ethnic groups always have a huge proportion of people who look like this because that's the "indigenous" phenotype of the region, and the more isolated they are the more white they are. The genetics of the region were ravaged most especially by Turco-Mongol mongrels who now represent the dominant phenotype in Central Asia with a heavy influence on Afghanistan.

Not exactly. If you mean that Indo-European males spread out and conquered across the North African to Tarim Basin than yes. As they did that, they always conquered and fucked the local women. That's why Indians and Scandinavians have R1A male haplogroups. But they fucked different women. Scandinavian is the result of conquerers fucking light and tall female hunter gatherers and India is the result of conquerors fucking dark and short women of the Dravidians. The European hunter gatherers were not the same as the Indo-Europeans any more than the Dravidians were.

Thousands of Russian soldiers defected in the Soviet Afghani war. Many made their home in the Hindu kush. I met several.

>Why do some Afghans look like this
Pic related plus this:

Attached: 920345820345832045083245.jpg (770x536, 97.52K)

Don't post this stupid shit.

Historically, you are wrong. All historical sources describe the Iranians of inner Asia as having white features. Chinese historians frequently derided their red hair and green eyes.

You should know their gene is Coincided with nowadays anglo British people.

White Anglo gene was basically originated in centural asain step to ukrainian field.

After sand nigger civilization gets more bigger they become minority some of them stayed in north Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and western China.

Most of them moved to nowdays europe and made nomadic dynasty like -Scythians but some of them become Buddhists.

Some of them like sogd people made Buddhist dynasty like sofdania.
They took a silk road and made a tons of money

But they were conquered by many Islamic empires and chinese empires

Now they are remained as minority in each countries of centural Asia.

Just imagine how's natural born white Buddhists looks like.


Because theyre black people who ate AI technology, thousands of years ago, in Armenia.

Attached: Greg_Howe_-_2000_-_Hyperacuity.jpg (316x316, 20.73K)

How am I wrong. Chinese historians make vague descriptions about all kinds of foreign people. People with lighter eyes and lighter air get mentioned because it contrasts them with the Chinese. What 'white' means in the eyes of an ancient Chinese court historian is very different from what you would define as white. Its like reading Herodotus and because he describes the Egyptians as 'dark', in relation to Greeks, they must necessarily be black.

And did you get the point of what I was saying. The Aryans conquered a lot of people, killed the men and fucked the women. Some of these women had more light skinned caucasian features and others did not. Hang around Latin America and then go to the Middle East. You'll see tons of people that could be either Middle Eastern or Latin. But they are not from the same gentic pool. They just share similar features. When you say Aryan what you mean is blue eyes and blonde hair, when those are not even te central genetic markers of the Aryans. You are all form and no substance.