realistically speaking how would war look like and play out in the United States if a civil war broke out. We know for a fact that when civil wars break out there is usually less than 20 percent of the population that partake in these such events.

Would there be mass destruction of cities via missile and mortar strikes? or would there be door to door scenarios like the middle east? I am curious to how it would play out especially when each state is so fundamentally different than the next. We have deserts, mountains, forests, beaches, flats name it.

I know for a fact that most of the in fighting would occur in the larger cities but it is bound to take place outside of the cities as well. Please give me some insight

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you disgusting sea monkey.

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nonwhites will kill eachother in desperation within the big cities while whitey tills the earth once more, forming strong communities

nahh dude, it is more complex than non whites vs whites. There will clearly be other players who will like to take the fight to the white man.

Also it depends on the nature of the conflict. If its a state level secession/revolution the casualties would be much higher than many local level militias vs the government.

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As long as the goyslop flows, Americans won't do shit. I've been watching Americans roll over and accept government tyranny since 9/11. They're the most obiedient nigger cattle ever to walk this Earth.

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I think food will definitely play a huge role in this fight and as soon as states will not able to feed its population is when they will start to revolt. I think this is when we will see more casualties.

Nice thumbnail, and a civil war would be between states and the militaries and militias within them that are against the federal government, and the ones that are aligned with the federal government.
And I imagine a fair amount of the military would turn on the federal government at the first opportunity.

I've come to the same conclusion. Americans won't do shit unless they go hungry. Even then I'm doubtful people would organize rather than turning to anarchy instead.

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It would be pretty gay , buncha losers larping around playing “war”
Making it hard for me to just live life normally and comfy

I’m gonna dig holes during the civil war and dig them deep , and line them with sharp sticks and smear my own feces on them
Hoping either side falls into them and blames each other

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It doesn't matter what happens in a civil war. The real meat occurs during a Civil War when we get invaded with our pants around our ankles.

okay but how would that look like? Would be seeing tanks, jets, and anti-personal vehicles or just men with guns?
I definitely agree with this. why would I put my life in danger when I can live comfortable?
idk man sounds kind of black pilled. you want the good guys to win. otherwise you're next
I highly doubt it. I think that is the last thing anyone would do. it is like poking a hornets nest. Unleashing a sleeping giant.

Like most combat, it's mostly boots with occasional armor and air support.

Well, some insight can be gained if you look into the Yugoslav civil war. But America is conveniently polarized into 2 factions rather than a half-dozen, so it might not balkanize quite the same way.

The main thing to understand is that wars are about supply lines. How do the supply lines work in the United States?
1) Monoculture farming is harvested in petroleum based transports to a railroad freight network.
2) This food is brought primarily to Chicago for industrial food processing- with some other factories here and there, but almost all of them in large population centers (read: blue territory).
3) The food is sold to vendors, who have large office buildings (skyscrapers) of people whose job is to meticulously guess how to distribute the food to each Wal-Mart so there is as little waste as possible.
4) Back to the rail yard, then onto the petroleum based trucks to be delivered to your local grocer.

So, there's a couple key things to note here. 1) Sabotage the rail, and you get monoculture corn and nothing else to eat. Most of that corn winds up as cattle feed. Guess what's going to die when it can't get there?

2) The whole system depends on gasoline. A tactical air strike to a pipeline and a couple refineries means that the heartland has no fuel. No deliveries of anything are made at all. So count on what you can produce locally. Which is monoculture agriculture.

Meanwhile the coasts can import everything from other countries. All of Europe is completely cucked and will absolutely support the brave good blue americans in this time of crisis against the evil nazis. China, meanwhile, owns a massive portion of the national debt in US savings bonds. Guess what doesn't get paid if the current government loses a civil war? In which case, who is China gonna support?

Meanwhile, middle america has maybe 1 or 2 ports in the gulf. Dubious naval support and dubious naval maintenance facilities in their domain. So basically, completely cutoff.

Additionally, the entire information infrastructure is under the control of urban centers. So once organized resistance kicks off, expect the internet AND cell phone network to go dark. This won't just hinder military coordination. It will immediately disrupt essential services and local governance. Maintenance on roads and utilities will fail as problems can't easily be reported, and people scramble to go back to a pony express system (remember, no gasoline anymore).

Yes, red america has an impressive stockpile of small arms and munitions. But normies don't keep food bunkers- but many normies in red america do keep guns. Guess where they'll point those guns when their kids are starving? Will they march on foot to DC? Or will they prioritize the survival of their family in the immediate term at any cost?

Some people will make the right choice. Funny enough, they'll be the first to die. That's how this played out in China during the cultural revolution. Leaving only the most ruthless, godless, amoral psychopaths on the planet to breed.

An organized militia attempt at civil war is 100% doomed. A coup de tat had some potential, but the first priority after rigging the election was to restructure and weaken the military so that couldn't happen. This is common throughout history. China had like 70 coups in a row throughout the Tang dynasty, so the Song dynasty defunded the military almost completely, put the most incompetent people they could find there and gave them no support, and then just bribed the mongols to stop attacking every year. At one point even giving them 40,000 horses. Guess what the Mongols did with that?

Looks dumb in retrospect, but to be fair. China had never once been conquered by mongols. But it had went through countless civil wars in recent history. Expect the Dems to make the same choice for their regime.

So a coup de tat is likely out. Which means the only other scenario is...

...terrorist insurgency. Think the IRA. These have had some limited success actually. But that was in centuries past. Now we have the most advanced surveillance state in history, the Patriot Act, NSA monitoring, tracking devices on every phone, backdoors built into every operating system. All email and cloud data being scanned by AI. Every car since 2012 has a GPS, a computer record, and the FBI has demonstrated the ability to gain remote access with basically no cybersecurity. Plus the whole "war on terror" thing we've been doing for the past 20 years. Practicing. Figuring out what works best, if anything at all. Hearts and minds was a total failure. Don't expect them to even try that again. Not that kicking in doors did much either, but we honed our defensive techniques against broke insurgents with zero economic infrastructure and Russian armaments. Wonder if you'll be in that situation soon, user?

They've been thorough. Why wouldn't they be? You labor 9 to 5 and come home and bitch on the internet a couple hours. They spend literally all day thinking of scenarios and implementing countermeasures.

>nb4 demoralization
just don't underestimate the enemy user. Yes, their supporters are sheep. And sheep are soft, stupid, and easy to kill. But shepherds are not. Their position depends entirely on their ability to drive wolves to extinction. And for most of history, that's what happens to wolves.

One final lesson. The key to all power is to kill the first mover. Even a vile tyrant hated by all can rule, so long as he promises the first man to stand against him dies. Nobody wants to be the first man.

Change, thus, can only come from the blood of martyrs. There is no other way. And indeed, martyrs acting alone. A lone wolf. But don't expect a memorial- they will keep your rebellion silent. Their survival depends on it. Yet if enough people are willing to die alone and forgotten, no amount of technology can save any regime.

you sound like a glow nigger but this info is quite useful. I hope you are on our side user.

It will be small towns shooting city retards trying to flood in after everything goes to shit

You'd lose any and all battles due your lack of modernity.

Well user, for what it's worth, I am of the completely unjustified opinion that the CIA actually does good work. Yes, there have been very visible and embarrassing fuckups. But at the end of the day, they're pretty goddamn good at preventing nuclear war and fucking over other countries for the benefit of America. The spy game is a ruthlessly and sociopathically nationalistic thing to do. But I always thought Any Forums liked nationalism.

It's the FBI that are your KGB equivalent. They're explicitly the domestic enforcers. They hunt the "traitors" or anyone not loyal to the regime (Hoover, McCarthy, and now Jan6). And the NSA is explicitly a domestic intelligence agency with zero oversight that even when completely exposed to be using psy tech on their dating interests doesn't get a slap on the wrist.

The intelligence community is basically an unelected 5th branch of government that chooses its own members and is accountable to none. But anything within the US is outside CIA jurisdiction (and the FBI and NSA get pretty goddamn irritable about this). Supposedly. Totally fine to sell crack though. Gotta get that blackops budget with zero paper trail somehow. But selling niggers crack isn't espionage. It's just fundraising.

Putin, as ex-KGB, now completely runs Russia. Doubt it will be long before we see an FBI agent as president for life, to be honest.

The Appalachians, Rocky Mountains, north-west, and the great lakes region are the most easily defended. A campaign progressing from the center or south-west is doomed to fail.

rice and dirt farmers in the jungle and desert respectively would like to have a word