Why is everyone so transphobic?

Why is everyone so transphobic?

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Because they are larping and I don’t feel like playing.

Trannies are pedophiles and groomers. They thirst for power and find it in forcing everyday folk into bearing with and accepting their insanity.

it's normal to be scared of monsters

fake and gay, cmon OP.

"cog in a machine" like who writes faggot fan fiction like this

I'm afraid the much-needed life-saving dose of reality was not administered in time.

they just described everyday life as a male, kek.

>want to be male
>get treated like male
>upset they got treated like a male
did she think the world cares about men's feelings?

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Men pretending to be trans women because they are turned on by the responses.

Because they're rude and mean and when we tell them they're rude and mean they swat people

It's not natural, can only exist through human intervention and men playing god. They mutilate and sterilize themselves to put on an illusory performance of another gender and they try to force everyone to conform to their delusions through statist authoritarianism/corporate pressure. It wouldn't be as big of a deal if they weren't trying to target and manipulate children into undergoing harmful irreversible treatments in the name of a twisted mental illness and enabling political ideology

No one is scared of you unless you are following a child into the bathroom

>her reaction was disgust mixed with pity

transphobia isn't that person's problem. their problem is that she set life to hard mode and realized the hard way that society treats men like trash.

>feel like a little boy
I wonder what she thought of short guys with a small frame before she started pretending to be a guy.

Hard mode activated

Just over 40% of them pass quite soon after transitioning.

> Frail frame of of a woman
> Weak crying psyche of a woman
> Unable to trade sex for favors
Really played herself

>has life on easymode all her life
>decides to try being a guy
>find out life is now on hardmode
>doesn't even realize this is how it is for the average guy

I bet 41% chance she'll kill herself within 10 years.

I love trans guy regret threads just as much as I love listening to trans women bitching about being harassed by men. What did you expect dumbasses.

There’s a difference between fear and disgust.

>people think I’m a man
>and they’re treating me like shit
>this must be due to transphobia
No lady, this is actually how we live.

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