Why exactly is racism bad? Has anyone actually been able to make a convincing argument against it?

Why exactly is racism bad? Has anyone actually been able to make a convincing argument against it?

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nobody has a convincing argument on why we should see racism as good
>inb4 its natural bro muh tribalism

racism just means when whites show in group preference

natural instinct of survival.

>see nigger
>remember niggers murder other people on a daily basis
>never relax

It hurts people's feelings

If you notice anons... racism clearly isn't all that bad so long as the person doing it isn't white. It's celebrated and even encouraged in the vast majority of all aspects.
There isn't any real anti-racism movement with traction going on, anywhere in the Western world. Everyone gets group preference respected. There is just anti white-racism. Very interesting.
user said it.

Racism is too powerful. They want to keep all the racism power for themselves.

kek but true

It doesn't account for why you should dislike and avoid mixed race people and homosexuals.

Because the jewish elite on Wallstreet needed a distraction from their crimes and atrocities, so after 2011 protests the mention of racism and race identity in news articles skyrocketed, while class wars plummeted.

Good post.

It's sets a standard on an individual best on skin color. There is more diversity in groups than between groups. Why shouldn't Asian people look down on white people if racism isn't so bad.

It's a feature not a bug. You also type in all lowercase which means you're a nigger brained zoomer which ipso factor means you should fucking kill yourself.

>"why can't you be like the inferior invader animals and Want to absorb their second rate niggergenes into your civilization, goyim?"

A mystery.

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Racist policies would obejctively improve life quality for whites, that sounds pretty convincing.

Look, I quite get everyone wanting their own home where they feel comfortable. I understand and want the defense of culture, particularly of values like hard work and independence and inherently good values that people are actually starting to deride as outdated and white.
But I've got a black neighbor who's a skilled tradesman and is raising a pleasant family. Meanwhile, the halfway house down the block has that screaming retarded white guy who starts fights in the middle of the night. The hispanics across the street have those shouting matches.
While I realize what race creates a tendency for, I was raised to value people for their own merits. That's individuality, that's justice. I just can't hate someone until I know them, even if I see a pattern.

nigger we are past racism. america is no long an white ethno state the niggers have won, the racism the media is talking about today is to divide us so we don't unite to take out the kikes.

Everyone is racist and hold their own race in he highest regards. It is natural and normal.


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Well treating people badly just because of their race is cruel and wrong, but they then equate that to any time white people show an in group preference, and they are not the same thing. If a country wants to keep an ethnic majority in their own homelands then there is nothing wrong with that, it is not an attack on any other groups to say, this is our home, it is for our people, not yours. You need to be able to think objectively and with nuance about this stuff, but (like with many things) they take a reasonable starting point (don't kill all the blacks just because they are black) and end up stretching and manipulating it into something ridiculous (let black people do anything they want and always somehow blame white people) the left has a lot of useful idiots who have good intentions, but are confused, but the puppet masters of everything are evil and know exactly what they are doing.

idk jews seem to think it's great. They're very racist against non-jews.

Sounds pleasant. Anyway.

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The only ones it harms is those pushing diversity and multiculturalism

It's stupid to hate somebody by default just because they were born as something.
Did you know two of the four men who lynched Emmett Till were black?

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