Pol lied, papa died

> be me
> believe pol's antivaxxing shills
> convince my father that he shouldnt vaccinate
> catch covid
> spread it to my dad
> dad died days later

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>mexican intellectual

Jajaja qué pendejo, creyendo las conspiranoias de los pinches gringos. Qué brillante. Te lo mereces

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How did you catch covid?
I've been taking Ivermectin and never caught it
This sounds like your fault
You killed your dad with anti-medicine conspiracy theories
ivmmeta.com before you get anyone else killed OP

you lied, papa died
> be me
> believe your vax shilling
> convince my father that he should vaccinate
> dad died days later

How do you know it was covid? Because they told you? Retard

>be mexianon.
>blame others for my decision.
>catch covid because Mexico.
>spread it to family because stupid beaner.
>blame others for my decision.
>live rest of life in shithole.
>it doesn't matter though, for I am a bot.

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>Believing CDC and WHO
El pendejo es otro

Your dad was overweight, wasn't he....

>Be me, trust the science
>Do own research
>Find no evidence of vaccine harm
>While family gets triple vaxxed, mom gets quadruple
>We finally go out one day to see the doctor and he gives us all covid

Seeing as the vax does literally fuck all to prevent contracting the jewflu, your papa would have still gotten it and still died in addition to having VAIDS. Also your dead dad story is fake and gay.

Stop making this thread.

I got covid and was in the hospital 3days

I wouldnt take the vax anyways

Individuals such as yourself, with significant african heritage, need to take a vitamin d supplement for improved odds against covid. It’s too late for your dad and that sucks but now you know.

I hope your piece of shit country gets balkanized.

I like how everytime a thread is created by a mexican, more than half of the responses concern the country, rather than the topic XD

Mecico is a country

Non-whites don't have Covid immunity, only whites do

Glow more, LIER!

Get vaccinated. White are trying to prevent browns from getting miracle

Your dad killed himself because you are an unforgivable faggot.

unironically user don't blame your self. A man can make his own decisions and your dad is a man.

If covid killed him its very likely the vax would have killed him too.