We're all on the same page right?

we're all on the same page right?

Attached: billionaires.png (391x327, 12.07K)

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I think some should. I mean, what are you gonna do, tax every billionaire at 100%?

I do

how would you utilze their income?

Yup, only sociopaths and retards would disagree with this. Of course there should still be rich and poor people to motivate a healthy society. A doctor should live a comfortable and nice life while a burger flipper should not, but anybody with 1,000 million dollars is definitionally exploiting people in some aspect and is detrimental to society.

You don't need to tax a billionaire at 100% to make him stop being a billionaire.

As long as you use it for something marginally better than woke activism and occult sex parties, you will be utilizing it better than 99% of billionaires.

No, my point is what about from the billionaires perspective? There are situations where he's a harmful entity to the white race, but what if he isn't?

it's like I'm in high school all over again.

get a job zoomie

How exactly do you propose dealing with billionaires? Taxing them to death isn't viable, they'll take their wealth elsewhere. Sure you might confiscate some of their assets but they'll sell off whatever they can before then and still be extremely loaded. Blame government for printing the US dollar to shit, wont be long before we start seeing trillionaires.

>liberals mental illness stems from low self esteem
>this leads them to resent anyone who is vastly more successful than themselves.

All of liberal politics stem from resentment.

It's the other way around.
The poor must be sterilized.
Actually, Americans already do force sterilization decades ago.
That's why they are the greatest in the world but declining now.

>ACKSHULLY THEY SHOULD *proceeds to ramble about hard work and israel for some reason*

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Begone, commie.

They should
They do
Cope poor faggot

they should exist. I think that when your income is above X where X is big money all the money over Y should be spend in some kind of category of advancement or welfare. From groid welfare to exploring the universe. The point is to not kill the persons drive, but to endorse it.
What do you think?

>No, my point is what about from the billionaires perspective?
The billionaire can cope and seethe if he doesn't like it. We don't exist for his benefit, he exists by our permission.
> There are situations where he's a harmful entity to the white race, but what if he isn't?
He is. There are no exceptions. Even *IF* you could somehow find a billionaire who wasn't actively making things worse for our people, that still doesn't justify his possession of that much wealth. If he is eager to help out the white race we can put his riches to good use in that pursuit and everybody wins.
>simping for billionaires, you will never be a woman nor a billionaire

Fuck billionaires they have to much influence and control and buy politicians


yet you use the internet

>they'll take their wealth elsewhere.
Where? How?
We can deny him one of the largest markets in the globe and seize his assets, most of which are probably not liquid. The idea that Bezos can do just fine without the backing of the American empire our access to our market is absurd.

You're literally gargling billionaire dicks you turbo nigger, kill yourself immediately.

You're stupid and jealous. Pretty much every Billionaire modern day should be shot and killed, but why does one automatically exist at our mercy? A billionaire doesn't just exist, you know. A billionaire only exists on the company that provides a shit ton of value.

No I'm afraid we're not.

To imply Billionaires shouldn't exist is to imply people with lots of money shouldn't exist, to imply that is to imply financially successful people should not exist, to imply that is to imply, financial success should not exist, and to imply that is to imply a reason to strive for financial success should not exist, which is to imply that financial goals to strive towards should not exist, which implies that a practical reason to better yourself, learn new things, and become more skilled should not exist, which implies that no practical reason to work and learn should exist, which ultimately implies, a reason to try, should not exist.

Its a goal to strive towards, an unachievable one more than likely, but its a reason to keep going, I'm not a fan of taking things like that away from people, especially not because someone with less is envious enough to suggest "If I can't get it, no one should be allowed to"

This thread is anti semitic and the ADL has been notified OP.

If it means abolishing the dollar and replacing it with decentralized unregulated currency then sure let the billionaires make it back the hard way.

>y...you're just jealous if you don't think individuals should control that much wealth
>Pretty much every Billionaire modern day should be shot and killed
So we basically agree, but you're too mind-fucked to make the final leap.
> why does one automatically exist at our mercy?
because that's how the word works, a billionaire cannot amass such wealth without others allowing it, this is a definitional fact.
>A billionaire doesn't just exist, you know. A billionaire only exists on the company that provides a shit ton of value.
So the Rothschilds and Soros provide a ton of value? Interesting thesis, gonna have to disagree with you though.


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No. What’s wrong with them existing?