Why do they act so arrogant

These faggots are the dumbest most criminal most talentless race in Europe yet they have the most chauvinistic racial pride. Northwestern Europeans are OBJECTIVELY more evolved than East Euro scum, who have been adopting the hand-me-downs from our cultural and scientific achievements for the past 2000 odd years yet they will kvetch endlessly about how much of a shithole the West is when all of their men are chronic drunk low IQ criminal idiots and all their women are speed aborting prostitutes. Generalplan Ost was a good idea.

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you're australian. you have no culture and no scientific achievements. you're a glorified chinese farming subsidy pretending to be a country. all of your people are stereotypical gaped mouth bacon beards

ching chong? bing bong?

Atleast there arent many niggers And trans in theese countries

Seething Slavs. Just by virtue of being born with English Scottish and Norwegian blood I am a smarter and more civilised breed of human being than you are. You're all a bunch of retarded toilet cleaners with psychopath tendencies that make you criticise other nations and people because you're unable to take criticism of your own East European shitfart nations being corrupt disgusting messes. My nation was founded by convicts, and we've eclipsed the quality of life of most of East European """civilisations""" that have existed for centuries. If that isn't an indictment of the subhumanity of parliament brawling Slav chimpanzees in comparison to Northwest Euros, I don't know what is.

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If you were the only person in miles with access to the internwt you would feel like hot shit in a developing country too user. Nigerian prince of america called OP a fag.


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Czech Republic











>would bomb again


When I was 20 I got on a train to Novi Sad.
On the seat opposite of me was a young man of similar age in the England jersey.
Behind him was his mexican friend and next to him was their host a mid twenties woman from Belgrade.
He was shorter like 10cm and the Mexican was at least 25 cm shorter.
Anglo was fat but not too fat and Mexican was skinny.
The hostess bitch tried guilt tripping me to give her my seat.
I just laughed in her face without dignifying her with a response as I had a ticket for that specific seat.
The anglo fatty started talking some nonsense but just one look from me and a smirk gave away that I understand English.
He was frightened.
his Mexican friend was scared.
Bitch was silent standing next to us.

I could have beaten all 3 of them. And beat them at chess. Or in a debate or at math.
Maybe even at music, and certainly at swimming and basketball.
But one thing about my superiority was the most frightening to them.
Not that I could kill them all with my bear hands.
But that I was like an orca killer whale swimming next to seals and penguins and my mere presence was disturbing them.
While being civilized to a degree to not do them any harm. Well at least not physically.
Mental harm is on them.

Bosnia needs to be shot for that hideous flag design

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Well considering the endless butthurt you have over Western Europe basically being the better sibling you could never live up to, I seriously doubt you never think about us. In fact, you appear to have us rent-free in your heads 24/7. Its us who don't think about you. Then again considering the average Polish IQ level, I don't think you really think period.

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ding dong ping pong?

Fuck em
No problem
No problem
Fuck em
Fuck em
No problem
fuck em
fuck em
bunch of braindead inbred croat and serb race traitors
fuck em
The real gayreeks

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Slavs are just Meds but from the East. Like an average Pole or Ukrainian isn't worse than an average Portuguese or Greek.

why are you posting pictures of two men you don't know?

Montenegro is pretty cool

crimea river

Lol, nobody cares about australia, Its just England 2.0, niggers and muslims

Shut up jew. Hitler was right to put you into camps and should have killed you all for being subhuman. Polska faggot.

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I still think it was easier when they just were all Russians, like wtf? One can make a difference between a Brit and a German but those cunts all look speak and smell the same with their weird runes.

All people from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe are similar, including ROMAnians.

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>I still think it was easier when they just were all Russians, like wtf?
Slavs are your brothers Asspain.

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>Like an average Pole
I agree you are kinda Med in your demeanor
>or Ukrainian
Nigga what? Hohols are orcs with a different paint. They aren't even remotely close to us.

Because we are better than you, and you kbow it.
That's why you are seething so much.

lmao based

Croats, Czechsand you, maybe. No runic writting asshole is my brother tho. That is literally asian shit.