Excess Deaths

Looks like two weeks has arrived folks

Attached: john campbell.png (268x328, 153.7K)

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Poor dude got redpilled by accident

I took 2 vaxxies, no attaxies yet.

God I wish it was me. I want out of this gay earth.

This. Imagine getting redpilled when you're old

>jewtube is already doing low key fuckery with the video

He's so full of shit and flipflops his videos to whatever gets him the most hits

remember we were "accidentally" right.

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vaxxies get axed

I hope this boring mumbling muppet got all his boosters.


Then take your two boosters at least. Pretty sure you can get a third too. Oh and don't forget the two doses for Omicron BA1 that according to (((them))) no longer exists anyway that are about to be rolled out.
So that's at least 5 more you can take chud.

Drink every time he:
>switches camera angle
>ticks/underlines/circles/marks a word/phrase

(((Dr. Campbell)))
>take the vax goy it safe an effective
>sorry goy we messed up we didnt know

how do you fags fall for these controlled ops? if he was real he would of been kicked off jewtube a long time ago.

> It’s happening.

i used to hate that guy, he was so bluepilled in the beginning then some day he woke up

> if he was real he would of been kicked off jewtube a long time ago.

people are now allowed to talk about it. That hirsh Dr. sneeked it in on tucker last week.

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its climate change

Attached: antisemiticcampbell.png (366x301, 100.42K)

It's all (mostly) PARASITES!

Eh, that Indiana insurance company claimed it was 40% higher already - this 30% is peanuts.

Still not cars stopped in the streets. I hope I survive with my one vax.

You can only watch:


Attached: Wearefucked.jpg (1192x1079, 345.37K)

Check out the protocols from the FLCCC:

its self assembling nanotech, the parasites is a cope

the same media who hypnotized them is now undoing their trance. very sad to watch and can't do nothing about it. i warned who i thought were very intelligent people and they fell for this shit. its unbelievable.

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>there are excess deaths
>more than in the pandemic year
>what's going on?
>major concern
>not only doctors, politicians, too, are jumping up and down about this
>more data needed
>it's happening in many countries
>we can find out the reason in advanced countries
>and we should do that, it's urgent