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and awoman

Based. Moneybags joe is kinda starting to grow on me.

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It's a known fact that if the country wasn't infested with low IQ Magatards trying to destory everything that makes the nation great than the country would be a much better place. Why don't you guys just leave?

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Nobody tell him that MAGA Republicans are mainstream Republicans.

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>"Make America Great" Republicans are destroying the country

lmao what

Fuck that nigger


My family was one of the first here. My genealogy is in the library of congress. This is MY country. Anybody who can't prove 250+ years here or non-White should leave. Pay what you owe my family you freeloaders.

OP is a faggot.

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Fuck your racist family. They are a large part of the reason of why the US is ridiculed today because of stuff YOUR family did in the past. No one cares about your argument of "blah blah blah we were here first" because who cares. This is not YOUR country and thank goodness it is not because the country would be a lot better off without people like you and your family in it.

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See the thing is. America was doing way better under Trump. I don't like the guy either but Trump > Biden.
1. Skyrocketing inflation and Gas Prices
2. Ukraine War
3. Taiwan War (soon)
4. Real threat of Nuclear War
5. Stock Market Crashing
6. The Middle East no longer peaceful
7. Tyrannies think they own the place


If Joe Biden thinks for 1 second that people will not burn down every building in Washington DC to complete the MAGA legacy and end the disgusting corruption of the USA then he is sorely mistaken.

You won't do shit. When the time comes, I'll kill you just like the men who came before me killed the retards who thought they had a chance. Put your money where your soifed faggot mouth is, you octaroon.

For 6 years the Democratic Party has been engaged in a scorched earth campaign against ALL Republicans. Fuck YOU! No Quarter.

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>For 6 years the Democratic Party has been engaged in a scorched earth campaign against the United States

Lol. How can you even be a leftist now? You have to lie about EVERYTHING. VAX cope. AFGHANISTAN cope. BIDEN sleeping through the presidency cope. BABY MURDERING cope. INFLATION cope. DICK CHANEY coping for you. TRUMP ruins my life cope. Is the libshit party and rinos just one big cope because they know their days are numbered? I just keep seeing libshits get more and more scared. Feels good winning at every turn.

Forgot TRANNY cope. GROOMER cope. Jesus your not even people. If I was religious I’d pray for you b

Any Forumscels aren't fat. Or white.

Not a MAGAtard btw, or a Nazi. I'm just a regular guy who thinks racism against white people is just as wrong as racism against black people and misandry is as wrong as misogyny, which is why I have to vote Republican now.

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This is the worst divide and conquer attempt in several millenia.

>mainstream republicans
You mean RINO's?
Listen fat, diddling your daughter in the shower isn't cool. St-st-stuttering out impotent rage isn't either. You're a bitch faced child molester.

Why is the tribe so completely obsessed with feces?

this corrupt sack of dogshit has been slithering around DC for how many decades robbing the taxpayer while lying out of both sides of his mouth?

Yes. The man made of teflon when the skeletons in the warehouse are aired one by one. Can you imagine the twitter app shuffled back in after using imessage to text his son how much he wired for his date with the paid new crush?



The only difference is that white people deserve to be punished for what they've done to the world. A lot of the problems and misdeeds in the world all lead back to white people. Stop trying to take the middle ground approach of "I support white and black people" because then you are ignoring the problem at hand and it's pathetic. If anything people like you are the worst types of people.