Only people who haven't suffered want to have children

Only people who haven't suffered want to have children.
Only people who haven't suffered love their parents.

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>Only people who haven't suffered want to have children.

nigger literally all generations before you save for the boomers and millenials maybe had it way harder than you ever will and they bred like rabbits. meanwhile you get rejected from your fist job choice and are incel because you are too socially retarded from social media overuse and you claim you know the suffering this world has to offer just kill yourself you spiritually infertile cuckold


fuck off boomer

i just hate people

No one in the west “suffers”. That’s the whole goddamned problem.
To struggle is to live. You should eagerly lap up your own suffering, then find relatives that are elderly or children and lap up their share as well.
Every night you find sleep without being chased there by the pains you’ve collected aiding your family is a night you should feel shame.

Your suffering is all made in your head by yourself.

OP we know you're a dirty shitskin or a kike parasite.

>bred like rabbits

yeah, cuz there was no pill and abortion was dangerous. fuck off faggot.

Life is suffering.


>just kill yourself you spiritually infertile cuckold
...isn't it OP's point? you seem unable to debate.

Suffering is an illusion, this life is an illusion. Realize that the only thing that is real is the logos and embrace God.

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What the fuck lol


Child of Satan

that's me on the left, oldfag, no longer care about anything, but am entirely mentally and spiritually free because of it. Feelsgoodman.jpg. All my time is used for Enlightenment

Attached: 1642097693087.jpg (474x657, 68.91K)

That's me in the corner


based kraut nigger kicking down the door with reality

Only niggers have kids
White people are too intelligent for it unless of course they’re mental niggers
Having kids is some old timey shit that boomers did cause they were too stupid they realize themselves or they had nothing else to do with their time
We are all the offspring of worthless losers that had nothing else better to do with their time
Bunch of NPC nigger cattle, beta male cuck simps and whamen which are basically whores and mental niggers
Real MEN would never have kids cause you’d have to be a real FAGGOT to stoop that low

I think having children for the sake of having ~le cute baby that looks like me XD is very selfish, but that's kinda harsh, bro kek