The student loan relief is a distraction from the fact that 90% of Americans can't afford groceries anymore

The student loan relief is a distraction from the fact that 90% of Americans can't afford groceries anymore

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$5 of chicken breast and $150 of goysnacks

Do Americans really

holy fucking goyslop

Bitch buys
>5 packs of soda
>6 bags of chips
>complains about price
Retard alert.

>A rainbow of goyslop

Most Americans would actually benefit from consuming less food. This is simply a non-issue.

this isnt food these are mostly unusable seperation substances exxon mobile cant process further in refinery process. they would need to pay top dollar to get rid of it but this way you pay them to get a hold of. i dont blame exxon.

I eat maybe 1 bag of chips per month lol

>6 bags of chips
>5(maybe 6) cases of soda
What the fuck?
Also if this is 3 days worth, these niggas got the crave

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>Deli meat
>Deli cheese
Everything else is just fucking soislop and goysyrup.

goyim unironically eat like this???

We can't suck baby dicks all day long

I only buy chips because my cat likes to lick all the cheese off of them. She gets a chip every day.

Even the jew is surprised

3 packs of velveeta cheese flavored seed oil

This has to be fucking bait
>fucking 6 bags of potato chips
>sugary ceral and poptops
>TV dinners
>3/4 cases of soda
>cheap af deli food

I spend too much on food as well, but come on, get some ground beef, potatos, chicken (they got like 3 breasts lol), greek yogurt, granola, ect.

Only our gayest retards. Everyone else mostly eats mcdicks and burgoyking every night. Few people seems to actually cook real food.

Maybe if they bought some fucking food instead of snacks their shopping bill would look different.

>sara lee

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>people still buy sugared soda

god damn

I wonder how these people react to vegetables on the shelves.

please tell me that pic is satire

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Remove all the carbs aka artificial sugar including the breads and you have yourself something to eat.

>3x 12 packs of Mountain Jew
>at least one more pack of Sprite
>6-7 bags of chips
>2x shitty sugar cereal
>2x boxes of cookies
Holy shit man. I promise despite being allegedly struggling to buy food they're fat as fuck.

Not really man I have q fat sister on food stamps and she complains about the price despite getting 660 a month in free food for 2 basted kids, 700 a month in child support, reduced housing so she does 140 a month for 3 bedroom appt. Car paid for by grants she got for free from college. This is her average shopping week as well.

>buying branded overpackaged overpriced goyslop in the current year + 7

Do burgers really?

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The joke is that they aren't even buying any real food, only expensive processed garbage, that's slowly killing them. Not my problem though.

Im sorry your parents were such failures. Hope you do better user

>90% of Americans can't afford groceries

wrong, dumb asshole stay in your swamp and stop bothering everyone else with your stupid shif

Whoever convinced Americans to eat refined grain and corn syrup every meal deserves the gas chamber. Their kill count is greater than every war in history combined.

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I love salads but let's be honest the iceberg lettuce bags i always buy has gone way up. Its just lettuce

Um sir, you mean veggies?

He means healthy food. Which most of us can't afford. He's right dude, our food is poison. I got lucky and my neighbor sells me chickens that he slaughtered himself. I took a bite of a chicken tender from KFC after eating real chicken for a while and felt sick, the grease and the additives are enough to give you a heart attack by age 30

Fucking disgusting. Literally everything in this picture is nothing but literal garbage. Not one bit of that is actually nutritional in value. That child abusing piece of shit should be shot.

Well the produce aisles I would imagine look similar to yours with that water that automatically sprays them every 30 minutes but it's expensive and has alot of shit on it. You want to buy directly from a farmer, but farmers markets (random booths they set up in parking lots and parks) are more expensive than the store. That's why you need to know one personally and get a discount

Does the average American eat like this, or is it only niggers and those dumb inbred skinny "whites"?
Also, is there a name for the latter?

how did they spend 155 on food without buying any food

What a bunch of drama queens not to mention falling for a troll post.

Is Any Forums the most homosexual board?

Supermarkets and stores tend to have shitty food, even fruits and vegetables. Tried some tomatoes I've bought in a supermarket a few days back, legitimately tasted like plastic.

All canned goods i buy have gone up. Soups canned veggies are painful to buy. Broccoli use to be easy to buy
:*(. Lunch meat i use to buy by the pound even the cheap brands are now expensive. I eat only cold cuts i don't buy burgers, chicken so those things aren't a shock to me. If anyone is on here saying food hadn't gone up in price you're a liar

That's a bunch of processed junk food. In the US, processed & prepared food is taxed. Raw food is not taxed.

Healthy food is actually cheap. Fruits, Vegetables, Grains. All cheap. Meat is a bit more expensive, sure, but then ya don't need much.

Its funny seeing these posts of "omg look at my grocery bill" when you $50 will get you a good week or so of raw unprocessed food in most of the US (outside big blue coastal cities).

I legitimately hope your sister dies. Fucking racemixing welfare queen, with half nigs as progeny..... you should be ashamed of yourself, for allowing that parasite and her future felon brood to use resources that can better serve non race traitors.

>drama queen
It's the fucking truth fatass. Damn dude, this is why nothing ever gets better because people like you defend this shit.
Fucking sad isn't it?