I want to visit France, is it a good place ?

I want to visit France, is it a good place ?

This video makes me want to visit castles and Paris youtube.com/watch?v=LXmG1g5noT0

Any recommendations ?

Attached: Flag_of_France_(1794–1815,_1830–1974,_2020–present).svg.png (1599x1066, 2.02K)

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It's fine. If you want to see the castles take a tour, you get better access than if you just start showing up.

>Any recommendations ?
don't go.

>s it a good place ?

I mean, if I want to visit the "Château de Versailles" i can't just go and buy something like a ticket ?

You said castles. Plural.
That's one castle. Certainly you can just buy admission or go on a day when it's free.

>This video makes me want to visit castles and Paris youtube.com/watch?v=LXmG1g5noT0
Hahaha you will be disappointed trust me.

Avoid Metropolitan Paris, it's full of niggers and Muslim thugs. It's so bad the Japanese develop "Paris Syndrome" from visiting (thinking it's a romantic town like in the 70's, then seeing all the immigrant thugs.)
If you go in a wine tour in the castle area, then it's wonderful.

In picrel, NPC News surprisingly shows a picture the real cause of Paris Syndrome.

Attached: Paris Syndrome.png (840x629, 1.01M)

France is a joke today

Sure I'm sure it was nice to visit back in the day. Have a nice croissant, listen to some music in Paris

But they are becoming an angry gross Islamick state flooded by Algerians and other low IQ backwards people

Going to France today is a giant waste of time and money

Attached: 1661618381325609.webm (720x1280, 1.72M)

>This video makes me want to visit castles and Paris
France could still be like this if there were no arabs or blacks. Unfortunately we live in the evil timeline. Too bad.

I always feel bad for the french when I read this kind of post.

They choose this fate tho not my problem

People saying we are "pessimistic" about how is our country are just irrelevant mongols denying reality.

R.I.P France, my dear country.

Go visit Castles in Loire. Go to the Alps, and to the French Riviera. Alsace, Normandy, and Brittany are nice too. Absolutely avoid Paris and any big cities.

Some parts of Provence are nice too, but not all of it. I recommend Aix-en-Provence and Saint-Rémy-de-Provence.

Also west of Provence you have Camargue, very nice (full of gypsies) and inbeetween "petite camargue", very nice rich and kinda rural area with small beautiful and rich villages like Eygualières.

So : Château de la Loire, Camargue and Petite camargue (Alpilles) and the French Riviera. Avoid any town above 100K habitants except Aix-en-Provence

Well to be honest we really didn't. I was born in 1997 so I had no say in what happened, and even people born before me were powerless. Democracy is the illusion of freedom, our country was sold without most people's consent and the ones who agreed had their consent manufactured

>what a bunch of dumb asses protecting and promoting their own national culture so everyone around the world wants to come there and see it
You're fucking dumb for not understanding why they do this, or you're intentionally trying to get people to think nationalism is bullshit. Either way fuck off.

This but even in the most lost french city they're here.

Europe is full. Kys beaner subhuman

>French Riviera
Last time I visited French Riviera, there were Muslims around. I'm pretty sure it's worse now.

Yes but it's still somewhat manageable, like where I live (35K inhabitants). I've noticed that any town above 100K is dogshit except Aix and Annecy, but Annecy is boring. Ofc there are also of places with way less than 100K that are garbage

Bring your Koran and have fun!

> Video about France
> Not a single shitskin

Depends where, Grasse, Nice and Juan-Les-Pins sucks. The eastern part, after nice from Villefranche to the the Italian border is probably the best area in the country and one of the best in Europe. You Can also cross the border to Italy, skip Vintimille and enjoy (Gênes is disgusting too)

>Watches cartoon; believes it to be real life
Go and learn Japanese you nigger.