Politically speaking is your country safe enough to have little delivery robots roaming the streets...

Politically speaking is your country safe enough to have little delivery robots roaming the streets? I see these little guys everywhere recently. They're kind of cute

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never here becaus

>40 million polish people around
>transporting anything outside of an armored truck

By 2030-35 you vil rent everyzing you used to own, goy.

I would sit on the wheel-box if I see one!

I've seen many of them, but suspiciously only in white areas.


I can't for the life of me work out why

WEF’s working stages of the future delivery drones where everything that is delivered will eventually be rented to us instead of privately owned.

Interesting coincidence indeed. Maybe the sensors have a hard time detecting colored people?

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No, they would be scrapped immediately

Niggers here would steal and destroy them. Pitbulls here would attack and destroy them. Mexicans here would steal them, put hydraulics in them and paint pictures of Mary on the side.

No. To many niggers. I envy the Japanese since they have unmanned stores relying on the honor system for people to pay and not steal merchandise.

Moving shitters for hobos?

i dont care about big city things
id rather have privacy and solitude than gay little robots

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>white areas too rural to have delivery bots be cost effective
>urban areas too negrified to have delivery bots be cost effective while factoring in lost products and destroyed machinery
No. No deliverybots for us.

That's awesome. That level of trust should be normal in society.

You guys can get around the problem with these things if the streets are too unsafe

Attached: amazon-flying-delivery-drone-coverimage.jpg (640x426, 24.69K)

>white areas too rural to have delivery bots be cost effective
Kek, between the lifted F350s flying down gravel roads, feral hog packs, and bored hicks with rifles, these little things wouldn't last a week.

It's not just the streets it's population density. The county I live in has over 2200 sq km of land and under 100K population. A quarter of the population all lives in one city. So Amazon would need a metric shit ton of drones to cover it all, never mind that it's heavily treed and half the houses you couldn't land at. Half of the rest have dogs in the yard that would fuck a drone up.

Absolutely not and I live in a nicer area.

Nope. Still totally untenable. you have no idea and that is for the best

>delivery robots roaming the streets
all i see outside is little delivery robots, i haven't met a single human with a soul since 2016

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How is this not littering? Could I flood the streets with shitty robots that only pull over if you call a number and pay me?

Enjoy your little robots for now. Is just a matter of time till you get enriched by diversity. It's already in the works as we speak

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they'd get shot out of the skies with bb guns. or fireworks or rocks and then the package gets stolen.