Why are brown people always frowning?

Seriously, every time I see a brown person, especially in a room full of white people, they have some sort of permanent resting bitch face, as if their mother just died that morning.

Do the liberals know how much they are torturing these immigrants by bringing them here and forcing them to be around other whites, knowing that they're inferior?

Attached: angry-arabic-man-with-beard-AMBT7R.jpg (1300x960, 128.83K)

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That's why we need more diversity so people of color can feel more comfortable.

It annoys me too. I think it is because they come from the desert

They have hunter eyes

>That's why we need more diversity so people of color can feel more comfortable.
That's not the solution. You cannot have them in this country. They won't integrate because there's a subtle understanding of status. They know and the whites know that he is inferior. Your average brown person, who would have had an alright social life back in his home country, is now an incel in his host country. They should really just go back for their mental health.

It’s hard to smile when you live around niggers where they usually live desu

Hunter eyes.

Attached: lookscoper.png (826x575, 36.83K)

They hve to look tough and macho all the time or they're afraid we'll know how small their dicks are. Pure manlet energy.

I always see them with a goofy half grin and always posturing

Low T males tend to smile and have prey stare
A man should have a severe expression and hunter stare
Nice thread you got there fucking leaf nigger, you're practically praising shitskins

Shitskins think they are worth more than shit


Smiling for the Camera is a psi-op. When the Camera was invented, people used to give a normal expression, which was no emotion. Then someone decided to see if they could make people smile and look happy and it worked. Now people have to smile and pretend to be happy in pictures, even if they are not. Sounds fake and gay. I bet it was a Progressive that encouraged this fakeness.

You come from brown people and live in unending humilating shame of it. Youre a potemkin village. Subhuman. Shitskin. Pure projection mutie. Inferior? You larping chimps created a blissfully ignorant monkey matrix just to hide from your ironic origins. The emperor with no clothes. All that pride, just to die like a nigger, eh mortal simian? Just to have the brown soil of your planet hungrily consume your putrid pink chimp flesh and return you to this brown earth you came from larping chimpanzee. Your shits all fake and gay. You got nothing. No courage. No honor. No self respect. Just faggot larp.


Attached: kamna albino.jpg (2400x1401, 209.24K)

>Nice thread you got there fucking leaf nigger, you're practically praising shitskins
It's not praising man, I think these guys are actually depressed. You see it in their faces. Also every white woman actively avoids them unless they are white-passing. These guys are nothing but worker-drone wage slaves, funding our tax system for no social life or wife in return.

>Shitskins think they are worth more than shit
They don't, I think they realize how worthless they are. Maybe the ones in the Middle East think they're worth something, but the ones here have a depressed look in their eyes, as if they lost something by coming here. Honestly it is better for the sake of this country that we ship them out.

Because this western culture and society really makes people cringe

Yahooo yippeeee :))) haha le so random

>hunter eyes
inferior to white man apex predator eyes. my stare is frightening to men and wets women’s panties. shitskins can’t help but frown in my presence

Smiling is for effeminate beta males like you, cock sucker

It's the other way around, actually. White people smile too goddamn much. In primates, smiling, especially with teeth showing, is a threat display. In non-white cultures, someone acting too friendly and smiley, especially towards strangers, is seen as trying to deceive or scam you. Americans especially complain about how unfriendly and cold other cultures are when they travel abroad and they never realize that their behavior is off-putting as fuck to the locals.

Simple. They don't have enough fibre in their diet.

here's a better question. Why do americans smile 24/7? i've NEVER seen this with europeans. Just seems so fake

>Why do americans smile 24/7?
Some do this, not all of us.
Just don't trust people who fake smile.

They frown because they are shitty and violent. It's their DNA. If they could they would do horrible things to you but they must contain their anger to live among whites, it leaks through mimicry though like frowning.

Would you be happy if you were a nigger?

Do you mean the quick smile people give each other when they pass by or do you actually smiling? I dont know anyone that smiles 24/7?

nah just quick smiles that you seem to do out of courtesy. It's fucking weird. If you don't know someone just walk by or if you really want to just say hello, there's no need for some cheesy grin

Can it maybe be because you autistically stare at them and make them feel uncomfortable and annoyed

You would too if you were brown.

Yeah idk why we do that lol. I always found it a bit strange but since everyone does it you pick it up.