Maybe right wingers should try winning arguments by using empirical evidence rather than threatening physical violence

Maybe right wingers should try winning arguments by using empirical evidence rather than threatening physical violence

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Por que no los dos?

Youre a dumb nigger

Nah. Anyone got that pepe meme where primordial rage or something is BTFOing philosophy, law, ethics and such? OP needs a reality check.

Hasan is afraid.

that wasn't a threat


Your move, Yu-gi.

Sam Hyde is a comedian you dumb turkroach

same is so based he would do both

like IQ and crime stats? In one ear out the other

It would be great if you could fight everyone you disagreed with

Attached: turkroach.jpg (1000x667, 68.75K)

Attached: 1636117814987.png (594x496, 37.87K)

We already done that, you freaked out then called for censorship.

Thanks user I will save it this time.

Left is not more intelligent than right, they compensate their are reductive and overcomplicate things at the same time, then remove all the self consciousness

that would be antisemitic

>empirical evidence
Can you provide me empirical evidence that proves logic and math?
Pro tip: You can't, but I wanna see you give it your best shot.

Kek, says the memeflag
Seasoned with herbs


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I do agree that right wingers should stop threatening.