How did a plant know to grow thorns?

Think about it for a minute. How could a plant, or nature, grow thorns to catch or ward off prey? How does it know to continue growing thorns rather than mutating? Thorns are undeniable proof of intelligent design, and its should be no surprise that Christ's crown is made of them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>some mutant plant evolves small thorns or prickly skin
>they give selective advantage
>successive mutations select for larger thorns
not hard to understand unless your a retard

>your a retard
bong education, everyone.

Kike sticker fails to understand natural selection, cries about imaginary friend: The thread.

right, kids should have thorns then because of lbqt people.

When humans wanted, they bred the kale plant into cauliflower.

Thinking I'm an animal or nature's Spirit or a clone is the dumbest f****** thing that's ever came out of your f****** mouths you serve a goddamn n***** named Zachary Hubbard and an army of f****** gin and whores and f****** Mercury and every single one of you God damn n****** are going to burn in f****** hell for your abominations for serving a sports betting piece of s*** and n****** gooks and spics

anyone interested in this shit should watch this

its amazing how shit evolves

Youre going to be swamped by globohomo shills.
Evolution is a lie.

>How did _____ evolve to have _______.
I fucking hate low IQ people. Go read a book. This thread occurs every week.

>plant has a slightly spikier stem than other plants due to a genetic mutation
>that plant is less likely to get eaten thus passess off that trait to a larger batch of offspring
>that trait keeps getting selected for because less spiky plants are more easily eaten by animals while ones which possess mutations which make them even spikier are more likely to pass on that trait
>overtime that trait has become predominant within the plant population

Sir this is a Wendy's



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>mUh eBoLuTiOn is perfectly logical

Prepare to burn in hell forever. Actually it won't matter if you prepare or not.

>things that die without reproducing don’t pass on their differences
>things that reproduce before dying pass on their differences
Really not hard to understand unless you’re a retard

>I don't understand something therefore my imaginary sky daddy did it.
Kys fagtard

so why havent YOU evolved camouflage or thorns yet? get cracking

many species would do really well if they grew eyes in the back of their head, so nothing can sneak up on them, and yet, can you think of any animals that have eyes in the back of their head?

None of this has ever been proven or observed.

seethe nigger

then all plants should be prickly, because all the prickless ones should have gotten eaten to extinction
but that's not what happened

>process that takes millions of years
>wHy hAveNt wE obSerVeD iT

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I have a better one.
How did insect evolve the larval stage?
How can they be wriggly larvae for years and know to become a flying thing?

The same way your grow a pair of balls i guess, imagine being a child and adults keeps touching you and you don't have the means to defend yourself but then remember you have teeth.

Cope christcuck
We have seen bacteria evolve to process microplastics

>All plants must have evolved the same strategy

Isnt that convenient

female sexual selection determines what modern humans evolve into (and social engineering too i guess)
women don't like camouflage or thorns bro, they like tall men, which is 1 reason why the world's getting taller

it's interesting, some female birds are attracted to longer tail feathers
it can get to the point that the tail gets so long its actually a disadvantage and slows the bird down

same shit with peacocks and birds of paradise

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yeah I'm sure rose bushes decided to toughen up and grow thorns one day to stop getting bullied by herbivorous animals

it probably watched other rose bushes get eaten every day and decided enough was enough

this is exactly why i dont buy into your religion. why would i worship something that would torture me for eternity for believing a plant was made different?

neither has god or god building anything

That was annoying.

>Has never observed or tested his position
Nice faith based worldview you have there, did you come up with it yourself? Oh some Jewish scientists sold it to you and programmed it into you since childhood? Wow what a coincidence

observed != tested
what's your explanation?