NGOs must guarantee the safe return of the heroes who defended Mariupol and the Azovstal steel works, their wives...

NGOs must guarantee the safe return of the heroes who defended Mariupol and the Azovstal steel works, their wives, mothers, and sisters wait for them. Russian savages already burned alive some of these POWs in Olenivka. Russian war criminals must be eliminated

Attached: 4412FDF7-A286-4221-BAB8-78CC4AB50EE7.jpg (1170x1353, 697.91K)

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Oh no...


What the fuck is that inbred kike jawline? And what's with the makeup hiding (unsuccessfully) the monkeypow bumps?
Are all ukrainians kike beasts?

I thought they completed their combat mission and were evacuated???

The same "heroes" who got bombed by their own government to avoid public tribunals with all the evidence these idiots recorded themselves on their phones?

Attached: E5DxNTfXoAcm__g.jpg (1200x926, 59.91K)

Where is the evidence of that, you brain-dead Kevin? Russian slaughtered the POWs, it was a war crime


>the heroes who defended Mariupol
the guys who surrendered after they ran out tendies?

Would liberate.

I can see the mongol in her.

Lmao they are really shitting themselves over who was caught there
First the mad helicopter Evacs that got shot down
Then they tried suggesting a “humanitarian” rescue by sea
Then they bombed their own POWs
Now they are still trying to evacuate their glowies???
Lmao suck shit

After those hohol terrorists started car bombing peoples children I wouldn’t count on any of your AZOG members making it back in one piece, piggy. Last I heard they were getting their eyes gouged out.

Me too. Yum.

All over the interent you monkeypox mental case. And all the stuff these retards did not share on the internet is most likely on their phones when they surrendered. And let us not forget that they most likely spilled the beans to avoid the death penalty. This is why they got murdered by their own people, this is why they never received any help from their side in Azovstal. Kiev wanted them death.

notice thats something is wrong with this whore face, almost like she victimized herself on purpose, no tears, showing emotions by sheer force, no one is buying that shit.

may be capturing some of these lying whores would have been a good practice by Russians, yet they're too humane.

>some of these POWS

>they never received any help from their side in Azovstal
You're just a bumbling, ignorant imbecile

Attached: hdgeb4.png (1082x1240, 1.06M)

Azov was funded by an Israeli, it's own founder idealizes Israel, it allows Jewish members, it actively promotes Jewish interests such that the ADL has certified them incapable of harming Jews, it's currently defending a Jewish Comedian turned President, with a largely Jewish administration, in the Ashkenazi Jewish homeland of Khazaria, while carrying Israeli rifles. They are Kosher Glowniggers and rightly deserve the humiliation, torture and death they are receiving.

Attached: azog.png (547x719, 75.42K)

tell me piglet that she's in germany, i'll find her and rape her

Most kosher "nazis" ever.

>Kiev wanted them death.
So did Washington and the UK.

Attached: azog usa.jpg (976x549, 120.69K)

Why the fuck should I care about some POW losers? Don't make heroes out of surrenderers they said.