Leaving Germany, where should I go?

I think it's about time to leave Germany. It has become a shithole over the years and I enjoyed vacation abroad even more. Let me tell you why( from a cityfag in Frankfurt):

>more shitskins than Germans. You don't hear German anymore in the cities
>no patriotism/nationalism. I didn't see any German flag in the city except on the mayor halls
>Boomers. They are the worst. Pacifists, reading newspaper, complaining about stuff but not realizing why, just like NPCs
>Covid Propaganda still going on. Unlike most countries, you still have to wear masks and occasionaly test
>high taxes and energy costs. Especially this Winter

I officialy wanted to move to the US, but cant since vaccine is required to enter. What other countries are nice?

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stay and fight you stupid faggot

Some countries are pretty nice, really what i'd do OP, is go on vacation here and there over the course of a year just to scope some places out, you can do three day trips on off seasons so it's usually not that expensive. and see which ones you like best and then check what the job market is like wherever you wanna go.

>don't hear German anymore in the cities
Eindelijk. Wat een kankertaal.

Stay and fight for your race


come to the Midwest


what state can you recommend?

Doing same, going to Chile. Yes I know Chile has problems, but so does everywhere, the climate suits me. Strictly speaking I don't need to move anywhere since I am knowledge worker and work from home and that won't change.
I am not leaving Germany, Germany left me long ago. The taxation is stupid, the society is rotten corrupt to the core, but the lack of civic coherence and unity is what made me decide.

> Boomers are worst
Disagree. Zoomers are far more retarded in Germany. I used to think it couldn't get any worse than late millenials, but I was proven wrong. I don't know what I'm to expect when the C-Generation grows up. I think they will be a revival of the late X-er emo generation. Possibly even like in Clockwork Orange

Yes please leave, one nazi less

He wants a better life, not a worse one.
Burgerland or Eastern Europe.

Move to Bavaria.

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The country with the lowest vaccination rate in Europe is Bulgaria.
The nice climate means that rising energy costs won't be an issue.
My strategy would be to get remote work coding, take Bulgarian language courses, join some sports activities and try to integrate into the local population.

You will actually meet more people in bulgaria that speak a little bit of german than they speak englisch. At least when it comes to the middle aged and older people. Which is a bonus too.

Geh zurück


Both are equally bad
I was considering the Midwest in Burgerland but need vaccine to enter
Also an option, which part of Bavaria though?
I considered Slovenia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria in Eastern Europe

Anywhere but here. Your tourists are bad enough, can't imagine them infesting us permanently.

>wanted to move to the US

Germany is dead user

Seriously tho, if you want to avoid patriotism/nationalism and boomers, this country will make you pull your hair out - they're just as proud here, despite us being a 2 million no-influence-whatsoever country. And our energy taxes are actually worse than yours I think.

Come to Slovenia! Our country's culture is VERY similar to Austrian and we are a great land to be in. Much better than any other ex-commie nation (by GDP, standard of living etc.), Your only other real choice would be the Czech Republic, which also has a similar culture, but you know... I am biased towards my homeland.

So come and see this great land and eventually integrate. That is, as long as you aren't a poorfag.

But user if taxation is a problem continuing to do remote work while living in Chile doesn't help much with that right? In general to anyone in this thread: You know you still pay taxes in Germany even as an expat living god knows where.

Fucking doomer. Probably lives in Ljubljana too.

Go for anything south of Munich and live a comfy life in paradise.

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Many Germans moving to Romania. Literally spoke to a 60 year old German yesterday that moved here 3 weeks ago. He loves it because it's overwhelmingly white populated and sjw shit does not exist in Romania and most of Eastern Europe.

Go to Spain. They could use some Germans to help.

Cool...and who's sponsoring your visa? Reality check: You can't just move to the US.

It's a nice idea burger user but unfortunately as you can see from kike faggots like this: that Germans are unable to work to save their country or race. They have been utterly defeated, and I'm afraid to say it was our joint Anglo-American force that did so. We fought the wrong enemy.

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you dont want to come here
its far worse
i cannot imagine what would lead you to think it would be a good place, especially considering the things you've listed about germany being pozzed
we are 10x worse and the center of all that is bad in the world
if i were you i would simply relocate to a quiet area in europe that hasn't been quite so tainted by globohomo
where that is, i do not know, but i'm sure there are plenty

go back to africa ahmed