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109 you say?

All this tells me is that the Federal Reserve, now no longer having a SINGLE chartered responsibility and going completely rogue, is probably just controlled by another agency.
The 'diversity' is just for appearances, none of these fuckers do anything except add more zeros to the ledger.

>controlled by another agency
It's controlled by jews you dumb fucking bozo.

This makes me feel better actually. We’re never going to get Volckered again bc Blacks will start complaining that it would mean black unemployment and it would wreck black wealth bc they are overburdened by debts.

Gays will probably say that the interest rate had something to do with the gov not being able to help keep interest rates down. And women like cheap credit cards for shopping

This is a good thing too. The Volcker shock was the catalyst for American deindustrialziation.

>(((Associated Press)))

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There's a new Sheriff in town. No more white supremacy in the banking sector.

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No way they’re the most neutral my fellow white man

I hate shitty images like this. List the 3 if you want to redpill idiots instead of stroke your ego.

Fuck off... take responsibility for once in your pathetic life.

Makes fucking sense because we are three steps away from becoming the republic of Weimar Zimbabwe

>FED's sole purpose is to make sure inflation of the US dollar doesn't happen
>Fill the FED with diversity
>Inflation explodes to record levels
make you think...

It’s my fault the Jews run the banks and the federal reserve?

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All you have to do at a central bank is to raise rates during periods of inflation and lower rates during periods of deflation or no inflation. That was their only job for years, Now central banks have to care about housing prices, unemployment, equity and inclusion and a billion other things which encourages them to just print money constantly and not do their jobs correctly.

Suddenly everything makes perfect sense.

Shut up ya hook nosed retards.

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Ah yes…name a single fed governor that is not a jew.

109 is a lot

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Extremely bearish

That actually explains a great deal

>jews fuck up the economy
>hire a smokescreen of LGTBBQ+ niggers and women to hide behind

Gee Bill, two holocausts?

Ask the average American the question - who are the seven Federal Reserve governors? None will know.

>Shaniqua is on charge of finances
Kek, mutt land is done for.

What percentage are Jewish?