Bald and Bankrupt is calling it a day

I’m gonna miss this lil mfer like you wouldn’t believe

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Why would i miss a government cock sucker on CIAtube


>We will all be dead in a few years
What did the Mossad agent mean by this?

I think he just means life isn't forever he just worded it like a moron

Knows either the race war or ww3 is coming (or both)

Ok but mossad agent?

It's happening in 2 weeks

What if it's already happening?..

rumor is he got that alina chick pregnant and he's settling down

Is Harald Baldr ever coming back or is he just a fulltime shill for Zelenskyy now?

His sex tourism got exposed when he tried to cuck some women in Chechnya.

That's nice

I haven’t seen anything from him in a while, I don’t find him as entertaining though, a lot of his content is just watching him eat or get his hair cut. Didn’t know he was shilling for zelensky tho

Nah, he got ass raped in the russian prison.

I think he wants to emulate Mr. Top G

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>Bald and Bankrupt
>Benjamin Rich Swift
>Posted in pick up / sex tourist forums before he got famous
>Charged with 2 others for rape in the UK
>Claimed to have Jewish heritage and picked up Israeli women in India using his Jewish heritage as a tactic
>Bragged in forums about going to former USSR countries, visit poor areas and fuck women in the nights
>Israeli T shirt
>Grandpa Moshe
You get the drift. He is a degen who got famous. I like his videos don't get me wrong, but something about him has always been "off".

he didnt spend time in prison. He paid a fine and was released

He's talking about the vaxxed

his dick stopped working

>have your own adventures
>create your own legend
>I mean, really
>Don't waste the precious time watching others

>picrel blocks path


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