>Be white mutt >Crippled in wheelchair on sidewalk >Nigger kills you


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niggers are a plague on the human race. if this leaf had his way it would end with all niggers in america placed on a boat set out to the pacific, then i would torpedo that boat and laugh while the niggers inevitably all drown because niggers cannot swim

uh, shouldnt have said the N word, sweetie.

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Do you even know dem digits

The fat should fear the fast

It said he was killed, yet he was alive in the end of the video.
Loved how no one helped him.
Great species, God.

how the fuck you just gonna ignore someone who just got run the fuk over on the sidewalk? these people are not even human I HOPE THEY ALL FUCKING DIE.

Yup. nigger activities. Don't loiter outside a nigger store though, you're just fishing to be shot, robbed, or as in this case, run over.

Good. (((Whites))) deserve that.

Finally someone put the blame where it is deserved.

Fuck God for creating niggers.

Probably a CIA nigger dark Brandon killed to look good

A read the thread and apparently the man who got ran over ended up dying. This is tragic. This is psychotic behaviour.

>uses the white girl as a human shield
love how all the niggers run with a smile on their face because they know EXACTLY what's coming while the oblivious white boomer is just zoning out
the fact that i'm forced to share a planet with these creatures has become completely intolerable, i just refuse

I think he was disabled and so was not able to get out of the way.

Is there a webm?
For heterosexual anons?

Boo hoo reddit faggot.

>yt-dlp reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/wzk1qb/woman_gets_beatup_then_kills_innocent_man_while/

What do black people even argue and fight about? I

Around blacks never....
He looks like a boomer so....

Are they ordering their KFC original recipe or extra crispy
Orange or purple drank

stupid fucking niggers

Had she stayed a really good kike lawyer could have got her off. Leaving the scene fucked her over

To me it looked like a nigger got into the driver's seat

i don't think anyone can swim to land from the middle of the ocean user. that's a death sentence to be sure.

Its niggers user. Idk what u are expecting