Robbers break girls jaw in robbery


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Every nigger should be killed for the good of the world.

Unfortunately for you, the "n******s" are breeding faster than ever while white people go extinct. All of your women have sex with black men and push around strollers with 2 mullato babies. Make another angry post see if it stops the pain

niggers are a plague on the human race. if this leaf had his way it would end with all niggers in america placed on a boat set out to the pacific, then i would torpedo that boat and laugh while the niggers inevitably all drown because niggers cannot swim.

lol all americans look like blobs of fat

american niggers who go to jail to steal chocolate bars lol

nigger hands typed this, guess what nigger i will singlehandely send you back to africa you best stay away from our women

Niggers literally can't exist without parasitizing off of whites. There will come a time there just simply aren't enough whites for apes to exploit.

Also, kill yourself, Jew cocksucking faggot heeb. Kikes are literally the lowest form of life on this planet.

You niggers don't understand do you? whites invent technology, which you may know as white demon magic

and artificial wombs have already been invented
it's over for your race, you are gonna die, all of you, natural birthrates are irrelevant now

>All of your women have sex with black men and push around strollers with 2 mullato babies.
You live in a fantasy land ibrahim

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try again

Are you censoring yourself on Any Forums Canada nigger?

>There will come a time there just simply aren't enough whites
Your damn right about that brayden

Haha 2009 I bet you still got a iPhone 4 lmao fuckin bum ass faggot

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Good thing God didn't create blacks then.
I don't like it, but niggas ain't going through the solar flash.

>what they fucking deserve

Votes they said

So much for white people going extinct

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nobody going to comment on that banging background soundtrack and smooth voice?

Can’t say nigger cause the Canadian zogbots will get ya? Seems you bow down to your white masters pussy.

There are less than 400k Amish in the entire country. We get 2.5x that many immigrants per year. This "graph go up!" is the biggest cope in history.

I actually sperged out and told my mom this about a month and a half ago. I told her all niggers need to be killed. She did not like hearing that.

>Line goes Brrrrrrrrr

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>the solar flash
What's that?

no webm ->/thread

Nice tits

>Nice tits

Choco milk boobas