Why are there so many Commies in the USA

Reason... I am doing fine here, I started with 800.00 at age 18.

I worked for decades - to build a enviable net worth - that is mine alone. You can do the same. So can anyone.

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there are lots of commies in canada too friendo.

It's simple: most of the money is produced by capital and not by the workers. And since workers don't own any capital, they haven't reaped the rewards of the increased productivity. In fact, with inflation, immigration & free trade agreements suppressing wages and destroying local industry, the situation for most workers has gotten worse for the last 5 decades at least. Add on to that the recent manufactured crises like COVID used to destroy small businesses and the bottom 99% have seen their way of life go downhill for two generations. Of course people are going to look for alternatives in that kind of situation. Not that communism is the answer, but it's one thing people glom onto.

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Most people are too fucking stupid and gommunism is an easy lie for a moron to believe.
Also diehard communists must be killed.


The poor are irresponsible with their money and waste it on stupid shit instead of saving for emergencies. They are people who do nothing to elevate their income. They are people who choose to be poor.

good explanation bro
qualitly post

it's not just about "hard work".
being a truck driver is hard work but it's pretty straightforward and doesn't require you to think outside of the box.
when most people are content following others trails, creating your own is the only way to get ahead of everyone

>It's simple: most of the money is produced by capital and not by the workers.

I would agree that life might not be easier for most people - the middle class is eroding.

However.. in any generation, in any economy, any person can make smart moves for themselves.
For example:

I have small online biz that brings maybe 800-1200 a month, with little intervention. Not huge $, but it's like a vending machine. Also real estate rentals.

The big thing too is lifestyle. I live like a miser, and that repulses women. That is a huge $$$ saving in it's own right - and a bonus brings personal peace.

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Based on your typing style I assume you're older. It was easier to build wealth back then because the cost of housing and the cost of living in general was way lower.

>when most people are content following others trails, creating your own is the only way to get ahead of everyone.

I agree.. our personal quality of life is not anyone else's job, or their fault.

I like being inspired by the success of others, but I've learned that many men are instead intimidated and get depressed.

Man.. I was an aggressive asshole in my 20's, but I made real things happen and am pretty mellow now.

>nobody can explain
You can offer small salaries to people for those jobs and you will find candidates who are able to do those jobs.
Simple as.
The high paying jobs you can't do that for. If you hire some random no experience guy off the street and make him your VP of Sales your company will probably not be hitting Sales minimums needed to be profitable that year.

>A leaf posting from a commie country
that’s rich

>Construction workers
Paid exceptionally well. You know how much overtime you can rack up doing construction? It's basically being paid better than a software engineer for something that just requires a strong back.

>Factory workers
Paid exceptionally well.

Paid exceptionally well.

Paid exceptionally well.

Do the people who make this shit not fucking know anything about how much people make? Being an Amazon wagecuck is laughable BECAUSE you're paid dick to work as hard as a construction worker, which you still do because you mentally associate construction work with low-status even though that makes no fucking sense. Roofers PRINT fucking money. Welders print money. Plumbers print money. Do they make as much as some big corporate executive? No, but there are thousands of times as MANY of them because their job is actually accessible.

A plumber in the US medians in at like $25 an hour. Anyone can learn how to do it and the people who don't DO this kind of work act like we're an oppressed class. I'm not fucking oppressed, granted I'm not a plumber I'm an electrician, but I make good money maybe the shit ruins it for plumbesr I dunno but I do know that I'm not going to throw myself out of a highrise window the next time the Jews pull a Bernie Madoff like any of a thousand stupid suits who lost 500 million dollars in 4 hours. Honest work pays well and has no barriers to entry except functioning limbs and an IQ higher than 90.

You worked for decades? How old are you?

>I worked for decades
Kys boomer. Nothing you did was actually work, and you just coasted off the backs of everyone before and after you.

>Based on your typing style I assume you're older.
Yes, 50+
>It was easier to build wealth back then because the cost of housing and the cost of living in general was way lower.
I'll agree with you. It was easier than now.
But let me suggest, if anyone wants to set themselves up, they still can, but they'll have to be creative and prepare for sacrifices.

The simplest thing anyone can do is become a workaholic, but always choose jobs you like.

Then earnings start coming in and net worth builds. When you work all the time you don't get distracted by women, consumerism, entertainment, or depression.

Being a workaholic is an escapist addiction... but kind of wholesome one that puts you in a better place with wealth, connections, and skills.

Young people tend to misunderstand Communism as "fairness". They think, that in short order, communism would equalize society. Some people never get out of this phase.
They haven't accumulated/saved any substantial sum yet to see their potential growing status. Many times they save, but splurge unwisely on something temporary and miss out on understanding that the more money you have invested in potential growth the more money you make.
It takes time and most young people haven't conceptualized time yet.
They want something to happen immediately, without much effort, like sports/entertainment sudden wealth.
They want to enjoy the fruits of capitalism and status, without the time put in or rare overnight success.

Communists target the dumbest fucking people alive and tell them they are super smart and con them into going to college where they will be further indoctrinated, saddled with debt so they have a tangible reason to revolt. The thing about commies though is none of them are willing to do the dirty work because they're all trying to use each other as cannon fodder.

I can respect that mentality and it definitely worked back in the day and still works for some people now, but the fact is that wages have stagnated like mentioned. People are looking for an alternative to a system that doesn't work.

>They haven't accumulated/saved any substantial sum yet to see their potential growing status
there's not as much potential these days as back in your day boomer.
there's not much room for growth in today's society because it's all been filled with regulations and artificial restrictions put up by mega corporations.
even if you do try to save up, rent is often 80% of the average wage

>Kys boomer. Nothing you did was actually work, and you just coasted off the backs of everyone before and after you.

I'm gen-X

Dude I did nothing but work for decades, up to 5 different sources of income through side hustles.
None of them paid that great by themselves - as they are basically cheesy part-time jobs.

But added together I did alright.

Then most important - invested in real estate and personal house tripled in value.

Put your envy/energy into something helpful for yourself. I had that same feeling when young, I only saw glass ceilings.

I'm not a communist at all , and many people that do work hard are broke... Communism is forced tax, forced Marxist schools, etc... You're preaching neo con shit.

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I can name a few reasons actually:
Living above your means
Having more children than you can support
Living somewhere you can’t afford

Also this... Point being the problems go deeper than "just work harder" and "everyone is just lazy"

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>A plumber in the US medians in at like $25 an hour.
I dont know where you live but around me the bill rate is $150/hr for plumbers.

I joined the carpenters union at 18, and worked my way up to project management. I make $65 an hour, have 4 weeks paid vacation, gas card, $1,000.00 a month car allowance, five figure cash bonuses. Bought a house and renovated it completely as a write off to my projects. Guys coming out of college saddled with debt doing what I do are making 80,000 salary and working 12 hour days because college didn’t teach them what I learned working years in the field. But because of the stigma people still would look down on me for not having a silly degree. There are dudes with literal face tattoos and prison records at my company making low six figures.

>frankfurt institute
>critical theory
>march through the institutions

>A plumber in the US medians in at like $25 an hour.... maybe the shit ruins it for plumbers...

Funny story: I heard of a plumber who told a customer - "I'm a plumber, not a roto-rooter."
Meaning he only installs new fixtures and lines, and deals with clean water.

Point being that trades don't have to take every job. I suppose an electrician might turn down a dirty job in muddy trenches snaking wires if he doesn't want to do that, at any price.

Well, faggot, it's because prior to the 3rd Central Bank, all currency in the US was gold or silver that required being a miner, actual labor backed currency. A bit like crypto, only you actually hold this stuff.
After the creation of the 3rd US central bank by the (((Rothschilds))), the US embarked on a path to government controlled economy, supposedly to build the us stronger, but really to put all the economic output of the US under the Rothschild control.
Finally, in the 1970's the US dropped the Gold and Silver completely, for a Fiat Usury Ponzi Currency, which allows the printers of the currency as much as they want for (((their))) own causes.

And those causes include Your Slavery.

Thanks for asking!

Issue with trades is how much it fucks up your body over time. I don't want to be 45 and addicted to opiates because I fucked up my back

Don't go trusting in your own wealth and power user. You live in a country where all you have can be siezed by the government and your pets euthanized. Best to trust in God and store up treasure in Hea- Oh who am I kidding? Canada is a progressive country without the need for Christianity, morals, and law for all.

Well let me know how that dog eat dog model works for you when your wealth gets redistributed to some Pajeet.