Is traditionalism unrealistic for most people?

Is traditionalism unrealistic for most people?

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what's traditionalism?

its expensive to battle the government and all the invasive subhuman tribes for land at the same time

White men would need the guts to reduce women's rights to zero basically. It won't happen so you are better off thinking about other things.

The woman depicted is not doing traditionalism, no woman acted like this during the 1940s and 1950s, they were a very pragmatic generation because they grew up in the depression era. The Stepford Wives reference is 100% on point even if its Jewish subversive material, it only worked because people 20 years removed from the 1950s knew that people did not act in such a manner.

I like her, she makes normies seethe because her beauty standards are absolutely attainable, and her life is greatly improved... but it also shows these modern whore feminists that they are not beautiful, and instead are ugly. This woman does a great job representing the traditional families.

Exactly, this is why people who come from traditional homes are really much more eloquant, elegant, etc than those from feminist households.

>two clocks

Only for degenerates.

No, they just don't understand it and are told to dislike it.

Traditionalism is unrealistic in 2022. Go build a time machine and go back to whatever shithole time hole you came from grandpa.

its when you don't constantly think about jerking off and playing video games all day

I want to tongue her anus.

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Beating your wife until she acts like the woman in the OP (without getting arrested for DV).

That person is a tranny by the way. He has his show on netflix. They are careful to use certain angles to hide his masculine features. Some research shows his family had a Christopher until 2005 when it changed to Christine.

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I'm afraid that is probably unrealistic for most people. at least in "western" society

That's a tranny lol

I'm not some tranny claiming every pretty woman is tranny, he really is a man.

I stopped caring
I don't mind embracing old traditions from my ancestral homelands but the idea of "trad wife, trad life" and related shit is all retarded and a LARP that women do to get retarded simps to throw money at them while they never practice what they preach and never have a husband or kids.
At this point I'm just happy to have a woman who loves me, looks out for me while I look out for her, and doesn't have high mileage or better yet has no mileage.

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oof that's even less realistic unless you live in a muslim society.


Yes. Finding a woman who is simultaneously a virgin, of age, single, and not outright genetically unfortunate, is about as unlikely as winning millions of dollars at a casino.

Pics like this always brings the seething and resentment out in subhumans

Traditionalism is stability incarnate, some people are so used to the instability and "craziness" of city life, college life, broken households that the thought of real functual stable living is alien and horrifying. Because it would prove just by existing that they haven't made any effort to stabilize their own life and be open to understanding or even obtaining it.

Everyone has seen this girl on plebbit.

You well poisoning liars are fucking relentless.

Depends on "tradition". I had me a trad chick once, got her out of the rat race at 22 and lived in a really nice cabin innawoods for a few years.
Then, she got bored. At 26 she wanted to "live more". Because living in the mountains next to a river surrounded by wildlife wasn't the big city I met her in, and she couldn't take it.
Saw her by chance not too long ago, she ended up hitting the wall harder than a NASCAR driver at 27.
You can't make a hoe into a housewife.
Thanks for reading by blog.


Punch her in the stomach so there's no bruises

>Is traditionalism unrealistic for most people?

If you were born in the city, which most of us were, yeah. Thing about traditionalism is that it requires a lot of self-sacrifice that anyone born into the selfish city life is not willing to make. If you've been run through the academia/media brainwashing cycle, you're going to see it as oppressive, and yeah, that is one way of looking at it because of the fact that people have roles and the traditional society pressures you into sticking to those roles.

For men that have been perverted by this system, you can't just run off to jerk off to porn, watch movies, play video games and binge drink without getting the wrath of the society.

The best thing you can do even close to a traditional life is join a religion. Any religion. Follow it as closely as possible. See how you like it.

Because traditionalism isn't just sunshine and rainbows, here. It's serious shit for the people that follow it and adhere to it.

>cunt redditor immediately offended by seeing someone more attractive and traditional than they are

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Fun Fact: This is a tranny.

yes, only the ultra wealthy can marry young a reproduce at the right age.
any high paying job for young people without contacts leave you without any time for personal life.

Well Satan I've actually had the luxury (because it is these days) to have grown up in a stable household, with a mother that stayed home, and all the bells and whistles
The problem is that these days, if I wanted to provide that kind of life for my kids, it would be IMPOSSIBLE, given that the vast majority of women at my age, +2, or 21 years of age

I would have to disagree, while yes sacrifices have to be made, but you dont have to give everything up to live a "traditional" life
Life should always be about getting what needs to be done first (bills, food on the table, kids, etc.) and then you enjoy what you enjoy
Nothings stopping you from sharing what you enjoy with your kids either

fucking this
even my paltry paying $40k a year job is sucking away most of my personal life, I only have weekends now

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>Damn forgot to finish my argument
The vast majority of women are not willing to do their part to be a parent and a wife these days.
At this point it seems inevitable that I would have to lower my standards somewhat and try for a career woman because of the practicality

Traditionalism requires you to not give in to most vices and look out for your friends, family, and community, and in turn expect the same. In the age of hyper individualism, these goals are lofty and most often unattainable

You will achieve small semblances of traditionalism every once in a blue moon, but 99% of the time you’re on your own.

>this is what women do
>therefore i am woman
How things have fallen that biological females are getting outplayed by trannies.

>They are careful to use certain angles to hide his masculine features
They shouldn't bother because it doesn't work.

Saving this. Fucking gold.

What gave it away? The man jaw?

It is not impossible, but it is getting increasingly more difficult. It is a lot easier to be one of many people working to uphold traditions than it is to be an increasingly small group who are being attacked by everyone else. They don't want us to keep our important traditions, because those are what made us strong and stable, it is a lot easier for these tyrants to rule over a lot of atomised individuals who are degenerate consumers with no real purpose or identity.

sorry to hear four years ended down the drain
how self-centered and ungrateful of her, you have my sympathies