Why do you care if Biden forgives 10K of my student loan? I’m the one who got educated, unlike you losers...

Why do you care if Biden forgives 10K of my student loan? I’m the one who got educated, unlike you losers. I contribute in a more meaningful way to society than you do because my knowledge and skill set from school allows me to. Why should I pay back the full cost of the loan when the price was artificially driven up before I even started school? You guys sound like a bunch of old boomer farts complaining about young people as usual.

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Trump did it first. Eat shit libtard.

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whats your degree in?

except some of us got fucking educated but paid for it out of pocket like a responsible upstanding citizen, and did so when they were fucking poor. kys retard, instead of asking to pay for garbage ass college with tax payers money why not encourage the universities to stop over charging.

this is what Americans look like to the rest of the world: youtube.com/watch?v=TcRWiz1PhKU

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The only people care is because they're selfish. Their argument is always, "Well, what do I get?!" Conservatives are incredibly selfish.

>I contribute in a more meaningful way
You can't pay your own student loan.

Wrong. We can pay our debt because we went to college and got white collar jobs. We are voluntarily not paying our loan because Democrats are about to give us 20k.

Oh and also just FYI the guy that actually allowed the massive increase in lending inflation for student debt? He's the guy throwing you a 10k table scrap to try to buy your vote. He enacted the legislation in favor of it in the 80's on behalf of his major constituent, Bank of America.
I'm not a boomer, you're a low information moron, which proves your degree is useless.

and now he is against it.

MAGAfucks are not real smart.

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Its funny you cant find a cuck maga that you have to add a maga hat onto a cut demrat.

>Why do you care if Biden forgives 10K of my student loan?
As long as I get a refund, I don’t care. Since I am not getting a refund, fuck you.

We're not against attempting to deal witth student loan debt in a balanced and fair manner, what we're against is the OBVIOUS attempts to use it as a way to buy votes from low information morons.
Republicans don't agree with the predatory lending that goes on in the education sector, Democrats are the ones that have enabled it and enacted the legislation to allow it.
We're not against you getting your student debt forgiven, we're against what this obviously is....which is political graft attempting to buy votes for the midterms.
And whats going to happen, just so you're aware, cause its happened so many times before, is they will keep this carrot on the stick through to November, then right after, it will get back burnered then memory holed and a month later Biden will simply say "I never said I'd forgive student loan debt" and you fuckers will be NO REFUNDS seething again.
You do this to yourselves.

Tbh the reason your school prices are so high is because you created a system of debt financed loans that are extremely poor investments.

The only reason they can charge 50k for an education is because some retard is allowed to get a loan for 50k for that education.

If they couldn't get a loan what's more likely, the school doesn't accept the student? Or the school reduces the fees until they're still profitable but low enough that the student actually still signs up and they make that profit rather than the customer walks away?

And now your asking the public to foot the bill for the overpriced loan?

I know liberals love their debt forgiveness for education etc. But not like this. Your taking money out of the tax payers pocket and siphoning it directly to education corporations pockets using the student as a conduit.

Whoever is in charge of hiring Any Forums's larp-writers needs to be fired. The quality of larps has really gone down as of late.

>words words words

take the vaxx, its great.

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If you contribute so much, you must have been and currently being rewarded handsomely.
If you're so great then 10k isn't anything to you, a mere speed bump in life. You said yourself that things were 'artificially driven up'. I hesitate to say since you're so smart, that you must know everything else is 'artificially driven up' then too, therefore 10k is actually even less than that.
Pay back your shit, faggot.

the costs are BS since 09 the companies created an artificial barrier to entry because all the bailouts went to multinational shits who exported jobs overseas and used the excuse of not being any hire anyone when unemployment was staggeringly high
this artificial barrier to entry led to school administration hiking up rates 2 3 x on tuition and pocketing it
if you actually compute the costs of education they are in line with what a community college would charge which is a competitive service

>I’m the one who got educated, unlike you losers. I contribute in a more meaningful way to society than you do because my knowledge and skill set from school allows me to.
I'm sure majoring in gender studies with a minor in basket weaving will really contribute to society.

this weeb makes less then 50,000 a yr and can't pay for shit after all his simp payments go thru

You won’t though. You’ll have a useless degree while working a minimum wage job. Btw 10k is absolutely nothing. It won’t close out many loans at all so you’re likely larping

>I’m the one who got educated
More like indoctrinated you pathetic leftist puppet.

>I contribute in a more meaningful way to society than you do because my knowledge and skill set from school allows me to
What way is that? Be specific

Cock sucking I'm sure.

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Right man. The costs are too high because so many people take loans and use the money on other shit, never graduate, never get a job and never pay it back. Combine that with the cost of student athlete scholarships and you’ve got a problem. If the handouts weren’t available, the schools would have to lower prices to accommodate lower budgets. Also doesn’t help that the competition was significantly lowered when liberals killed for profit schools because niggers didn’t want to pay their loans.

Does anyone know if there's a way to game the system if I went to college on the pell grant but never took out loans due to other academic scholarships paying the way?

so what is the solution? no one get a stem degree because liberal arts majors and *****TEEEEEAAAACCHHHEERRSSS****** are driving up the cost? doofus you have finally come full circle
if you are not a corporate execute making 8 figures you should always be in our camp