If you don't use Linux you aren't white

If you don't use Linux you aren't white.
Linux is the OS for white people.

>Apple is a cucked company
>Microsoft is a cucked company
>Google too (affirmative action)
>Ubuntu by Canonical is also cucked

But you can use Pop OS, Debian, even the latest Steam OS and many more and start there.

Try it, you can have Linux and your jew cucked gay OS at the same time.

With Steam + Proton almost every Windows game AND app runs.

Also TONS of legally free software of extremely high quality like Kdenlive and others.

Attached: pop-os-2204-desktop-screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 312.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Pop OS is based on Ubuntu so it's just as compromised. Use Arch or its derivatives like Manjaro or Artix.

I like Linux mint a lot

maybe change ur wallpaper bitch? what ist his faggy fucking wallpaper bro

gay autism

>pop linux
are trying to tell us that you had affirmation surgery or what? I don't get this non--arch/gentoo/bsd post.

I prefer plan 9 and haiku

i use the operating systems thats availed itself you dumb fucking jamon eating umayyad moorish rape baby spic

This is one of the weirdest alternative OSes ever:


Imagine running your favorite Windows applications and drivers in an open-source environment you can trust.
That's the mission of ReactOS!

>no mention of Mint
I'm a mintchad forever

ITT: Talentless morons talk about computers for narcissistic supply

I give mint an honorable mention. I left it behind for gentoo and arch distros but Mint never did me wrong. It was solid for most office and productivity tasks and it had some excellent codec compatibility form toe get-go.

I'd use linux mint almost exclusively except trackpad is fucked on my macbook and it's not worth the effort to try to fix it.
Macos - it just works.

>narcissistic supply
supply of what? I had to fix my car's window regulator the other day, that task was more jank and time consuming than installing an arch distro. is your IQ 3-digits or are you the marvel target-audience?

I not a programmer so mintOS is good for me, because it does everything well

You can fuck right off. All tech is cucked bullshit but the nonsense you’re preaching is a retarded death spiral of my time. Fuck you cocksuckers so goddamn much.

linux is fine for shadowops. i’ll stick to mac for general use, parallel windows for 90s mmos

>he doesn't know linux is cucked and that linux trollvalds got cucked into quitting by his own faggot daughter

*blocks your path*

As a tech illiterate wanting more out of his gaming experience I also love mint for its ease of use


Came her to post that.

>Linux is the OS for white people.

Attached: 1634175241232.png (1372x1346, 2.49M)