Based or cringe?

Based or cringe?

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>makes 4 cents a day collecting trash, spends it at the cyber cafe
>brachiates from branch to branch to dodge favela shootings
>wears jorts and flip flops
>possibly the missing link

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extrem exaggeration, not everyone just earns 80k

but if you study philosophy on a university, you waste your time i agree

Also does the author of this meme know you can learn electronics on a university?

Old meme, don't use it after they had their student debt cancelled, it makes you look like a pussy loser

João, despite his genetic impairments is still of more value to the world than this fucking leag

Pretty much any further education that isn't a STEM subject, isn't worth the paper it's printed on

>100k student debt but 500k salary
>performs surgery on Chris who retires due to occupational disability at 40

>auscuck eternally seething at the leaf
Business as usual. Maybe you shouldn't have lost the shitposting war just like you did to flightless birds.

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Minimum wage in Brazil is $233 a month, so that's $11 on a day of work, sweatie

Yeah why pay for something you can do for free in your spare time.

>extrem exaggeration, not everyone just earns 80k
that's actually the low end of what tradespeople earn in the US. I don't even have a license and I'm above that

How much of you father's cum is in your anus right now?

>80k annually
Where are these memes coming from? I don't know a single wagetradie who earns more than £21k pa.

Have fun retiring by 40 because you can't walk. Better save it, but typical blue collars go out and buy a 100k truck.

>Self Taught Hentai artist
>No student debt
>$150,000/yr Patreon
>So mentally ill he thinks he can't afford to move out of his mom's attic

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Electrical engineers make 80k but electricians don't. Electrical engineers have to go to college

i moved to canada for college(2.5k CANADIAN DOLLARS a year) then moved back to the US and now make 125k real dollars work from home naked 3 years after graduation

Can confirm, I am a sparky and earn a base salary of $120k
Electrotechnology at Tafe was also a piece of piss. It was funny watching all the wogs fail and drop out over the years

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Elecrical engineering is too difficult
I dropped out mechanical engineering because I'm dumb and lazy

You got a degree in prostitution?

I know you need to lash out but this is just sad

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>be me
>$50,000 student loan debt (now $30,000)
>bachelors in math
>24 months military service
>honorably discharge over refused vax
>get data analyst position making 80k
>govt pays for me to get masters in stats
>average salary of people from this uni with this degree is $130/hr

I literally stand at my desk at home all day and goof off 75% of the time. If you want to bust your ass for some boomer project manager who makes 10x you for driving around in his F250 all day sure

That was the boomers and they didn't retire, they just popped pain pills. Now they can barely move without crying about how pain it causes.

Now a days there are regulations and if you have a half a brain you listen to your body and don't pretend you are indestructible.

why do you morons ALWAYS post these stupid facebook "memes" where the guy going to school majors in retarded humanities shit? the guy who went to law school or medical school is going to make a lot more than a tradie. Coping fags

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>Chris's taxes pay 20k of your student loan debt

Blowjobs in back alleyways as a side gig is a tradies best trick.


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It’s a fucking mockery man. The only people winning in this nation are the ones who play it like the fucking game that it is.

That comma doesn't belong there

>wogs fail and drop out over the years
Lol that’s all the tradespeople
Soon to be Filipinos and pajeets