They're arresting people because of their politics

Is /pol really going to ignore this because he stuck something up his butt once supposedly?

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I guess we're just so used to it, much like the mysterious suicides to the back of the head.

That’s a member of the Cosa Nostra.

Also, I'm not ignoring it. But I'm not going to endlessly speculate about what's happening, either.

Can't say I give a fuck at this point. The right deserves everything it gets for being the most disloyal grifting circus Imaginable

So just adopt the correct politics.
Easy as.

Gayvin McAnus isn't under arrest, dumbass. That whole thing was a cheap publicity stunt, and Any Forums fell for it.


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he did it on fucking camera

he stuck a jew dick in his ass. so no

Do we know of he was arrested or kidnapped yet? If he's not a listed prisoner then this is a joke or a kidnapping.

This. They fact that they even made it into the building says it all.

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Arrested sounds like. Crank the audio up on some of the reuploads, you can hear the police radio go off a few times.

I heard Ryan opened the door for them like an idiot.


This guy literally disavowed the Proud Boys because he said they had become nazis.

He's a cuck and a faggot.

>arresting people because of politics
All of Any Forums is gonna be arrested for shit said in this place.


Radios and uniforms are cheap. If you've got the balls you can easily dress up like a cop and buy a radio and either loop a tape in the trunk to another radio or have a buddy pretend to be dispatch. That would be crazy, he ends up getting chopped up and antifa or something claims responsibility.

>says it all
Let's see which user gets arrested first.

Nigger I could tell he was a faggot immediately without hesitation

No finnfren.
Not gonna oven.

We're not ignoring it, we're trusting the plan and waiting 2 more weeks. The same method that's always worked!

As a Any Forums regular, I must confess that I want BBC in my tight white bussy. The anti-female rhetoric has converted me into a tranny bbc enjoyer.

To lay things out from what I know, supposedly Gavin had said something about having guns in the studio that would be illegal in New York. While I think it's a bullshit reason, I can easily see it being used by these vindictive fucks. Reminder, you have no firearms. You lost them a few months ago in a boating accident.

>Not gonna oven.
You get a free ride then.

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This. Gavin opened his fat mouth

However Ryan fucked up by leaving it in and letting the feds in

>If he's not a listed prisoner then this is a joke or a kidnapping.

How can people be so ignorant? Since 911 our government has granted itself the right to disappear people. They can take you and then place a gag order on your family, coworkers, or anyone else that knows you've been taken into custody. This is why no one from is saying anything. If they do, they'll be arrested.

Fuck off republicuck. Pretending like your the first or a victim. Eat the shit grave you deserve.

Lmao poor glowies. Noone cares enough about Gavin to even shitpost in your shill thread. Noones gona do a terror over this obvious fed boy.

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>All of Any Forums is gonna be arrested for shit said in this place.

not me. I'm ready for them. In an age of tyranny all we can realistically ask for is an honorable death

if gavin was taken by nypd or state level law enforcement then the public would know who took him and where.

Typical chinese traitor.

He's going to enjoy his time in jail, let me tell you that

It's most likely a publicity stunt to make money, he's probably not actually arrested. Don't underestimate how greedy these people are.

Go ahead list off the top 3 biggest conservative grifts. Oh wait you can't cuz ur a A1 retard!!!!

ok but it would be pretty bald-faced to arrest someone during a livestream and then gag everyone around it to keep silent about the particulars of the arrest.
maybe i'm not up to date on current year.

>ok but it would be pretty bald-faced to arrest someone during a livestream and then gag everyone around it to keep silent about the particulars of the arrest.

Right but people are such retarded dodo birds nothing happens, they would rather fight people like us than people like them

IF anything the right was disloyal to Gavin and his folk. His Proud Boys were going around protecting people from the right who wanted to speak at some university, like Lauren Southern, Ann Coulter and so on, and then the milquetoast conservatives distance themselves from PB/Gavin nonono I'm so clean and a pacifism because I would never lay a hand on commie domestic terrorists like Antifa, that's bad! Guess what their persecution is going to reach the super soft on everything folk like the Fox News faggots because they'll think anyone to the right of Stalin is a "fascist"

Donald Trump