Is lego the whites man toy? I've been watching lego masters from all countries , yes i might be gay...

Is lego the whites man toy? I've been watching lego masters from all countries , yes i might be gay. Doesn't matter every one of them is 100% white. And 90% male

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> burger edition
Some niggers still 80% white

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Since you clearly want somebody to reply, these are pretty much the only "toys" a man should be playing with. Sorry euro bros I really feel bad for you :(

Norway, shitty people but not a single nigger

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No. Cobi masterrace.

I fucking forgot to attach image

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Is it? I placed a shipping container in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. I used lego (chinese knock offs) to make a building plan for a off grid holiday place and it worked perfectly. Just get the measurements right. Its not just toys. Even the technical shot gets used in rl

Season 2 should just be introducing niggers to all of these creations and watching them destroy them all and then twerk on the pile of rubble.

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>in b4 s0ib0i starwars crap
A man should appreciate the grace and beauty of functional construction equipment models and want them on his shelftops and tables.

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Men don't play with toys. All these pics look like Reddit Onions meetups.

Lego is based, anons talking shit about "playing with toys" are either uncreative shitskins or they have fragile egos & are absolute pussies that can't admit they like stuff that isn't "manly"

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>Classic space logo and helmet

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Come home, white man

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If you're gay than so am i. I have way too many of them plastic shits.

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that set looks cool as fuck, the Lego Movie 2 sets are super underrated
I passed over most of them when they were released but that pic makes me want to get the set

Yeah. It takes a certain sort of person to still be playing with lego as an adult.

Well, when's the last time you saw niggers built something?

Zoomers will never know the smell of a freshly cracked brick bag
They changed the plastic years ago and it's not the same