Any other lonely millenials out there?

I feel lost. I've only recently gotten my first career job and the stress is extreme. I'm the only white person in my dept. None of the gen x or boomers there reach out to help or show me anything, it's all on me to train myself and learn the company. My boss is really aggressive with me when I'm just doing my best. The worst part is I have no one to turn to for comfort or to lean on emotionally. I have my elderly parents and I love them to death, but I hide my pain from them bc I don't want them to worry. I'm 37 and I'm really old to be starting a career I know. No siblings, extended family, jo friends and I've given up on dating apps. I feel like when my parents pass I'm going to be totally untethered from this world and I'll need to die. Can anyone out there relate to this? Mods pls don't delete this thread or ban me pls I just need to talk to someone

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Get a real job then not a low skill pajeet slave job

Stfu glowie

when i had a job, the girl who was my counterpart had a literal line of several men to help her out. she eventually resented me when she didn't get that same attention from me. my best advice is to not help anyone with their work even if the boss simps for women or lesser men and makes you do their work for them.

It gets easier.
The beginning is always the hardest you just need to stick with it and pull through.
You’ll be proud of yourself when it starts becoming easy

Thank you for that

Go to church. You will find people there who will care and you can care for them too.

Hey user no worries at least you know you’re already halfway through the ride of suffering known as life.

I feel like this is something I need. I've never done it and I wouldn't know where to start. I live in Toronto. I don't know what kind of church I'd go to or anything. This life feels like more trouble than it's worth especially now at 37 and no family and no friends. This is brutal. I'm going to run out of shows to watch, games to play, things to read, and my parents will pass away. God pls help me

Get a new job somewhere else in your field, silly. Not all work environments are the same.

You are 37 and you don't know what to do? This is learned helplessness, either get a therapist and go to meetups of events which seem interesting to you.

Church is also fine. Just go dude, you got nothing to lose. You can quit if you feel uncomfortable. Get out of your comfort zone.

How are you westoids so milquetoast?

40 is when you discover what you want to do with your life

you're three years early

The person in my position before me quit for a better job just like you're describing. It's been my plan but I'm 37 and I've only been at this job for 3 months.

Going to church is boomer bullshit. There will be no young people there, and no one talks to each other. The only people who actively participate in the church community are basically 60-70 year olds. At least that's how it is here.

Harden the fuck up mate.

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Get the fuck out of Toronto retard, no wonder you sound so fucking depressed Jesus christ. You realize there are parts of Canada where you will never see a non-white ever right? No wonder you're so demoralized

I knew what i wanted to do with my life in my early 20's. Everyone is different.

37 is basically a teenager in this era

70 is the new 40

>I'm the only white person in my dept. What are my options?

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You've never felt how I do?

You're beta
You're beta too

You should be on the stage

>The worst part is I have no one to turn to for comfort or to lean on emotionally.

Jesus fucking christ, just become a stay at home mom you massive fucking bitch

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it’s true in my experience, my times around church/ church people were almost always positive and uplifting all things considered

Churches with lots if young people are freak magnets. Incels and lovers desperate for identity/meaning and with too much time on their hands (underemployed losers) flock to them and get exploited for attention and validation by narcisstic weirdos who like the pageantry, LARP, and shortcut to respectability that being a clergyman provides. Avoid

What do you mean

Try this prayer bro. There is much hope

Attached: Exorcism prayer.jpg (720x1243, 218.06K)

Just do the bare minimum without getting fired

What kind of places

the world is watching

>t. turned down by a church qt

Pray the Rosary

Attached: Pray the rosary .jpg (720x714, 104.98K)

>I feel lost.
When you were a kid, you were good at taking care of yourself. There wasn't time, so you could do whatever you wanted. That's why life as a child was so beautiful.

You can be happy with yourself again like you were a child, but you have to give up materialism to do so.