Fuck this stupid fucking looser and the animals who worship him

fuck this stupid fucking looser and the animals who worship him

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He looks like dracula

Attached: 1rey8b.jpg (634x817, 50.83K)

>He looks like dracula
makes sense, he was ethnically romanian

t. Grigorio Stanopoulos

Like him or not, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was one of the great men of the 20th century.

He was a mason, fuck ZOG.


>puppet for satanist to install their satanic system
>great man

He was a fucking crypto-jew.

Youre going to dschahannam you cunt

Nah, he was a Slav, just like all Indo-European admixture in the Balkans is Slavic.


What a cunt though.

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I'm not very fond of Turks in any shape or form but this nigga got some balls. Imagine force westernizing some hardcore durka durkas and changing their mudslime alphabet with latin one on top of that.

I mean, just think. How did this....

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Attached: 310030A6-26C6-45BA-AF32-BF490F088459.jpg (400x400, 20.91K)

Turn into this?

Attached: 1554771066969.jpg (450x450, 34.16K)

>Imagine force westernizing
>Nobody accepts them as Westerners >Basically hates them

There’s a lesson to be learned here.

>He was a mason
>Closed off masonic lodges
He was a Balkan or Rumelian Turk to be specifically. He of course had some Slav blood. But Rumelian Turks are mostly West/Central Asian and not European.

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Donmeh zoggyzog bum bum.

Wait but based hitler-sama said slavs aren't white??

Ataturk is right about Islam

he was based.
watched this vid about Turkish war of independence yesterday in fact - turks literally reconquered anatolia from greeks, french and british despite losing a war. it's like if hitler reconquered Germany immediately after Versailles. literally impossible odds
unfathomably based

and all that while instantaneously transforming a 600+ year sharia islamic multi-multi-ethnic empire into a turkish republic overnight