4x boosted vaxxie body gets infested, tested Negative to pox

On replies
>How many vaxes has he had?
>3 or 4. He was shedding really bad last year too. Made me and others pretty ill through proximity.

Fucking retards are decomposing and still shed on others


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Stay away from the zombies.

INB4 Book of Revelations passage


Blisters from fapping

This isn't pox, I had something similar but only located at the left arm and I had to apply some anti bacterial cream till it subsided on it's own. It's autoimmune issue which comes with vax, I took 2 doses. And I already had headaches which made me not take more.

Lepers return

just another divide and conquere tactic.
fuck off, kike

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It's so bad you literally can blame anything on the Vax.

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>being divided from vaxxies is bad
k shlomo

>And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a anoisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

captcha: Verification not required.

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The "vaccine" is working as intended.
Immune system failure was the primary purpose of the deathshots.
Reddit NPCs are learning the hard way that depopulation to stop climate change was the actual goal of Klaus' covid agenda.

Lol my mum had that on her thumb the other week. She’s a vaxtard and we never talk about it but she said that because my auntie also has suspected diverticulitis and cancer and her friends husband has bowel cancer plus a few other friend have gotten sick she thinks it’s the vax. Weirdly my best mates ginge has been told she has suspected diverticulitis too lol. Shit be fucked yo.

The Holy Bible is metal as fuck, holy shit.

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don't get me wrong, they're idiots... but we need these idiots on our side or everything is lost.
forever lost.

only a low iq fool doesn't understand this.

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If I had that shit growing on my hands I wouldn't be able to stop myself from scraping it off with a knife.

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it was NOT.
it's wh1te genoc1de.
that's primary target, everything else is secondary.

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On one hand I agree, but this isn't pox, pox is a different virus.

This is definitely a vax issue. Pox looks very different, like pustules/boils. These are discoloured.

Doctors can't tell because they are not reading journals everyday.

punishment for a godless world. we get what we fukin deserve.

I used to be addicted to porn. Watching late night until I pass out. The vaccines have cured my porn addiction. Now all I do at night is scour Covidvaccinated on Reddit reading about all the relatively healthy soibois and whores having dire issues. I’m unable to post in the threads because I’m banned, but I will PM at least 5 people a night asking them “how do you like that science now?” And when I hit that send button it’s more orgasmic than watching white girls get Blacked with huge facials

I’m starting to think that the elite are literally us. There’s no other explanation. I mean why are we here on Any Forums anyway? Cuz normies are insufferable. The elite get rid of the normies.....then all you have left are Any Forums type people in the world of all ethnicities and races. And then unironically diversity ends up working. We can shit post in real life and call each other racial slurs at the movie theater or grocery store and it’ll all be cool. I’d rather be around a black dude on Any Forums than most white normies.


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>I’m starting to think that the elite are literally us
Nah, they just have an extreme disdain of normies, which they view like cattle, and they aren't entirely wrong honestly.
The point of difference is they wanna cull them, and not out of hatred, but purely because they wanna strengthen their grip on power. I'm more of a let the chips fall where they may type of guy.
Normies can go fuck themselves though.

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My brother is triple vaxxed and he is getting scabs on his legs and arms that heavily bleed if pilled. He doesn’t know why he is getting them because he doesn’t do anything but office work all day and comes home and watches tv.

this sounds fucking retarded, vaxx side effects are bad enough you don't need to make shit up
t. unvaxxed chad


>INB4 Book of Revelation passage

I took Pfizer twice and Moderna booster. Never caught covid and I'm feeling generally fine. What happened?

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Monkeypox, exactly.

This used to happen all the time before the vax. Stop watching it and delete that file goy.


It's VAIDS: an opportunistic rhadinovirus infection following vax-induced immune system failure.

how hard is it to understand that the hordes of niggers will devestate the west?
when the time has come the (((media))) will create any 2reason" to hunt down whites and will arm the niggers.
as stupid as they are, they will win - asuming the vax is as bad as is seems.
and even IF the vax isn't the problem, too many whites still follow the lies of the eternal parasite.
they're lost, unconcious soldiers of satan.

they HATE whites and will do whatever nessesary to exterminate us.

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>you don't need to make shit up
They do that, not all of them.Stay with vaxxies in a elevator for few minutes and enjoy your headaches and skin irritations

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This is what happens when you are not fully up to date, get 3x boosted y'all

Karposi Sarcoma, AKA Faggotitis.

all of these really need subtitles because it is spooky how all of them are actively promoting the vax

Crazy part is... THEY'RE GONNA KEEP GETTING BOOSTED! If you thought the vaccine propaganda was bad before, wait until round 2. The goal is to get even more people vaccinated and to quad boost those with only 1-2 shots.

The collapse timeline is going to start accelerating. Clench your assholes, cause shits gonna get wild.

they're coming for you, barbara


Maybe the disabled freak shouldn't be jerking off faggots during a global faggot pandemic.
Fuck him and fuck them.

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god loves irony

Kek eugenicists are funny.
Of course you go for the fags and the elderly and disabled first, scared into compliance population is a good one.

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holy shit its the Berlin virus

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Was tested he isn’t diabetic

LOL, you gave your girlfriend Monkeypox.

This happens to you after fisting numerous gay men

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>Karposi Sarcoma
yeah and the monkeypox was released as distraction, normies never stood a chance