I was at the Gamescom today

I was at the Gamescom today.
I'm 32 and there were so many zoomers.
What I noticed, they were either fat or skinny, almost nobody looked normal and they are much shorter than people of my generation.
What happened to the next gen, why are they shorter and so extreme with their weight?

Attached: A5242A63-202B-4B11-9FCF-F8A8E13C8396-1238-00000181FED36C1C.jpg (1800x1200, 484.64K)

A gaming convention is gonna bring out the worst

Dont worry about it, they will all die in the war or the vaxx will sort them out

>posting old pictures to try and prove your point
Go and KYS, just for that. Not for even being a faggot i gottaa coooooonssssoooomme nigger.

You're 32. Why are you still playing videogames? Grow up.

All the normal zoomers left when they saw some 32 year old boomer go in there

Dear diary
I went to a social event today...

You need to grow up and leave the video games behind you, user.

>What happened to the next gen, why are they shorter and so extreme with their weight?

PRobably because they were all ''minorities''

Comedown fat Americuck

I was with friends there, it's a good place to meet with them

You wish, the biggest twitch streamer MontanaBlack couldn't even walk without security and he's older than me
Everybody wanted to talk to him

Obviously this

any zoomer girl to fuck?

>hey goyim, wanna go to a shitty city with a shitty event hall where you can meet your favorite gambling streamers and some Fortnite advertisement?

Attached: 562thh.png (448x539, 85.3K)

Hyoercaloric diets can, in theory, promote too much growth factor too early, and there are theories that this actually stunts growth. Eating too much as a kid will expand you horizontally and may reduce you vertically.


Zoomers don't know what the videogames are, they only play lootbox simulators

anything more pathetic than a bunch of grown men online talking poorly about kids?

Honestly there were a lot more English working and serving in Germany when you lot were conceived.

That's interesting

malnutrition in the wealthiest time in history, hypercaloric and deficient in everything else or hypocaloric and probably still deficient in everything else

they were shorter because they're not fully grown

did they ever move it back to leipzig btw? back then was the last time i cared about it

maybe because they are simply less european? here zoomers are way taller.

There isnt a single fat person ion your picture. Certanly not by american standards.

Attached: 15224887893204.jpg (900x860, 140.91K)

i guess on a gamescon you dont find the average person.

>Be me
>Go BasedCon 2022
>Everyone seems weak and pathetic

Literally OP