You remember your libertarian phase

>you remember your libertarian phase

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Literally relapsed after the failure of boomer populism.

South Africa has it right with apartheid
No votes for all democrat shit whites only
Law and order


Thank God it was short.

>please, daddy government don't tread on me!
>don't do it. I hate that daddy! no daddy!!
>dadddyyyyyy, oh god yes daddy!!! don't trend! don't treeeeeeeeennndd!!

my libertarian phase was basically just
leave me the fuck alone
my neo nazi phase is just
leave me the fuck alone 2.

Libertarianism was only good for being against federally-imposed racial amalgamation, completely irrelevant outside of that. Only edgy Jewish teens take the free market seriously. State rights is really just an excuse, if you were in power you wouldn’t want Commiefornia and Jew York to be able to escape your rule.

I skipped the populism memes and just became a Nazi

It wasn't a phase.

why is wanting less government influence and less taxes a bad thing?

Ancap is not Libertarian.

It was mostly because I was too afraid to accept the truth about jews

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It lasted a month, so I'm good.

Most people tend to strawman libertarianism to no government/no taxes and no regulations

>I skipped the populism memes and just became a Nazi

Cool. How long do you plan to LARP for?

It was alright. I was happier.

>I skipped the populism memes and just became a Nazi

The American system is better than the Natsoc one it just needs to be whites only

Ha! I never worked in a library.


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that means you were never a libertarian, youre just an npc who does what all the "cool kids" are doing

Libertarianism has been strawmanned to death, everyone thinks it means you're an anarchist.


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Libertariasm is the only alternative to democratic (communism) socialism and if you don't agree you're a pleb that will get killed by Tyrone while you larp as a nazi

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that's anarchy, only a retard would make that kind of comparison

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Retards like this guy just endlessly strawman it with shit they don't actually believe

Boy do I, I had a Fair Tax t-shirt I wore all the time, was obsessed with listening to Neal Boortz. Then I became a liberal, then a socialist, then a communist, then after enough years of observing low-IQ niggers I've become a complete racist, and literally think it is impossible for the rest of humanity to live with sub-saharan africans, and they should be quarantined to Africa. I feel like I've made a complete round trip through all political ideology back to the white conservative upbringing my dad tried to instill in me. It's fucked up, but goddamn, you just really need enough time to understand things. And they never say it properly. They always say "Oh you'll be conservative when you get older," but the truth is you'll be conservative when you see enough Niggers. When you just see the same things happen over and over and over with them. I hope the 2020 riots and all the anti-white rhetoric has really shocked and knocked some sense into people like it did for me.

ya because the lack of libertarian values allows companies to control speech in favor a political party as they get tax cuts and the DNC makes sure their enemies never speak their views else fear losing the job as they control the culture and force all comapnies to act on the behalf of their goals.
Libertarian, Isolationist values is what I hold. Globalism will bring the end of mankind. Loss of liberty will doom a society.

>College liberal
>Fiercely Catholic
My evolution so far.