Opinion on the Romanian Mafia?

Opinion on the Romanian Mafia?

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Roids are bad, mmkay?

The who?

very homosexual

buy an ad for your manufactured faggotry

they seem to have had a blockage on their import of chins

They are probably sawing off your catalytic converter while you lurk.

Stop calling them that, they're just gypsy clans

It's probably ok but once you go dairy cartel there's no going back,

the real mafia is in the parliament

What a faggy endeavor. Look how I look bruh...sweet...dude. are you seeing this is the mirror bruh...sweet...dude.

Duckface for sociopathic males.

They will lock up your sister in the bedroom and pimp her to the internet

When Romania entered the Schengen area, every street corner of europe had gypsy beggars. Never seen a gypsy in my life before that.

What else is romania known for beside crime and gypsies?

If by mafia you (((mafia))) then yes

they're only there because you retards give them money

Roid tits. These faggots become public property the second they walk into my gym.

Naa aah silly
>we need some work out music

Attached: biker.jpg (1800x1809, 663.36K)

I'm a MtF and these 2 boys rammed my ass and mouth a couple years ago in Ibiza.. they are good fuckers

A vampire

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