How much partying is considered too much in your country?

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Hillary danced to the Hey Macarena song 30 years ago and lost the presidency so at least that much partying.

any amount

the whore's supposed to lead, not sing awful songs, do cocaine and drink


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Hope she sees this bro

Leaders only party after they win a battle.

In mine it simply doesn’t matter any more

so that's their spin, nervermind the whore cheating.

what is she leading?
she is a mayor at best

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She isn't a leader, she's a fking woman.

>How much is considered too much

It's over finbros.

>so that's their spin, nervermind the whore cheating.
yeah, this is how the morons of society are manipulated. What a fucking retarded clown world. You can do whatever you want with NPCs. Just come up with some bullshit lie.

Any amount really. If you want to run a country, you will have so much shit to do that you don't even have time to think of partying.
So any leader who spends their weekend snorting coke and rubbing their ass on random dicks is clearly not doing their job and thus should be removed from that position.

god what a disgusting, mentally ill bitch
I dated a mentally ill woman (inb4 all of them are mentally ill) and she could cry whenever she wanted
it was a surreal experience
I think they just think of some sad shit and they cry and tell you they cried because they feel sorry or whatever

>Sorry for party rocking


Speak for yourself, eurocuck. None of our politicians can even enter post without at least 3 recommendations from cocaine dealers.

Its not about how much

Partying isn't the problem. It's how you party. If you party in a way that's inappropriate for a leader to do, you'll get called out for it as you should.

And the way she acted was clearly inappropriate for someone in her position.

>Has drunken, drug fueled orgies all over the world

you faggots don't know dick about history.

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>at a party meeting
The madwoman just cant stop. You guys need help.

What a fucking retard.

Hey finland you need a new ruler?

Want lower taxes?

Want shit you actually want?

Vote me in.

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I guess it wasn’t her turn after all

This isn't even funny, that's just sad. Back in the day she'd be gone already. If you wanna "relax" and do you degenerate stuff with your degenerate "friends" (while alluding to the drug use) do it behind the closed doors and don't let anyone catch you. If you get caught - gtfo in shame.

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Thin women don't age well.

How long are the flaps

The problem is that our "leaders" are essentially glorified instagram influencers at this point and, watching your female leader behave exactly like one brought home this humiliation. The press can't understand or has to pretend to not understand why it's so humiliating.

>comparing ben franklin to a retarded roastie
Franklin had the common sense to act with discretion
you have to go back, faggot

Politicians shouldn't be having any "fun" let alone partying. I don't care if they do coke frequently if it keeps them laser focused on doing the job of leading the country.

as much as the Jews say is OK

>female leader
Lmao. I would rather vote for Mitt Romney than any woman, and he’s the worst candidate I can possibly think of.

Tbh all her silly millenial party is pretty tame compared with the perverted, pedophilic and sometimes occultist parties boomer politicians and the global elite in general participate. She is just dumb enough to get this on tape.

I don't think they let Biden stay up past 8:00 pm.

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