He fucking knew it. He sold out you, frogs

Remember a few days ago when he made this warning? That the frogs will have to make sacrifices this winter? Now he's selling all the frog's electricity to Europe.

Link: reuters.com/world/europe/macron-warns-french-sacrifices-will-be-needed-tough-winter-looms-2022-08-24/

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Frenchfucks; How cold does it get down there in winter?

Did somebody say sacrifices?

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>Millionaire in marble and gold trimmed room tells you about the end of abundance and how you'll have to make more sacrifices
Kek, didn't frogs experience something like this before?

When will Norway have shooting squads?
Getting rid of traitors.

yes, but that time the rebels were supported by the masons

The people weren't fat domesticated sheep then.

The eu keeps france relevant and germany subservient, of course the frogs are willing to sacrifice everything they possibly can to keep it going

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I think the masons orchestrated that and possibly even fabricated the motivation.

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It snowed 2 days in 2021, and I live in one of the coldest departments. The Mont Blanc only fresh white for a month. It barely reaches -5.

What do you expect from a Jesuit educated, Bilderberg and WEF attending, Order of the British Empire having Rothschild banker?

i don't give a shit, i have a wood stove that heats the whole (free and paid for by the tax payer) house and i'm a state ranger so i get wood for free enjoy the riots city slickers while i have a comfy winter in the mountains

The only sacrifice the French should be considering is that of Macron himself.

Is it like here,
where winter-boomers see having their whole house heated to sauna temperatures as a human right?

are wood burning stoves common in your area? if so you could get a lot of favours over the winter by supplying it for cheap to smaller towns in your area, esp. old people and cripples. if people trust and respect you they will listen to you when you speak about the state of the country. don't hide in the mountains, the communists and muslims will be out in force over the winter trying to drum up popular sympathy by getting people what they need through skillful means

I’m in HVAC and I’be called every chimney sweep in my area looking for a job. They are all so busy that none of them have answered their phones until the 3rd or 4th call. When they hear I’m looking instead of trying to book a sweeping they fall all over themselves to hire me. The average age of people in HVAC is already teetering on death but in the niche of wood burning it’s way worse. Im going to be taking a job inspecting chimneys and selling wood burning stoves and make comfy money.

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surprisingly no, i live in a very small alpine village and only a hand full of people ask me for wood. then again a lot of houses are secondary houses for city faggots. it's not my job to cut and sell would but people have to ask me to cut wood in state or village own forests. i never say no to locals


lucky frog living on taxpayers dime

it is very comfy

The French want Macron so fuck them