Why do boomers screech about students getting 10-20k in loans forgiven...

Why do boomers screech about students getting 10-20k in loans forgiven, but don’t give a shit about millionaire politicians getting hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in PPP loans forgiven?

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republican brainwashing

>it's completely unfair
>I suffered so you should suffer
If every generation thought the way that baby boomers thought, humanity would have never even mastered fire.

i went to college for a couple semesters. did not graduate but paid back a few thousand in loans. why should i subsidize the lives of people who likely earn more than me and also hate me?

>Forgivable business loans to pay employees during the covid lockdowns.
>Is somehow the same as retarded kids taking out money they cant pay back to learn underwater basket weaving.
Damn, kikes must really think we are retarded.

Your shill campaign has been thoroughly debunked.
Giving money to people who categorically don't need it because they've wasted every other cent so far does nothing to advance future generations. This money is going to roastie dog moms who don't want children and couldn't have them now even if they did.

IIRC 75% of these PPP loans went to keeping employees employed. The loans wouldn't have been necessary if lockdowns weren't implemented across most of the country.
>create problem for no good reason
>offer bandaid
>mock people who took the bandaid while there was no end in sight to the problem
Fucking nuke us, starting with whichever intern faggot tweeted this

Because boomers are crabs in a bucket narcissists who need a brick to the face.

Next time I hope people learn and just fire their employees then take money from the government.

You couldnt even lift a brick you dysgenic faggot

>I don’t know what the PPP loans were

>same recycled thread for the gorillionth time

>business gets $400,000
>"gives" the money for payroll
>pockets the $400,000 they would have spent on payroll
>some wealthy kike gets a free house from the government and a shabbos goy on Any Forums claps like a seal, muttering something about muh freedumb, muh dehmaacrazy!
Shut the fuck up.

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all I know is now all these stupid faggots who can't pay their student loans can now afford the 25% surcharge I charge just to deal with them. I make sure to ask about their finances due to the cost of my services. They always without fail bitch about the cost of their student loan. So I make sure to blame the price hikes on Darkie Brandon's inflation and then me and the over 50 types laugh as we watch these money sink twat wranglers drive away.

Attached: DarkBrandonmancer.png (632x956, 401.72K)

What is the PPP loan? Is that the shit they gave people because they shut down the economy for covid? How are those two even remotely comparable? One was given out because the government directly shut down the economy, the other one is given out to anyone who says they want to go to college.

I love the seethe from this. I am getting $20k forgiven even though my degree lets me make more than the average wagie. I haven't even made a single payment on my loans yet! Oh and don't worry, I have no intention of voting. The election is rigged anyways.


they're trained to hate the kids so they dont feel guilt about selling their country away to foreigners.

they're trained to snub their kids and give their money to the "hard working" colored.

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$10k is too much for people who already paid off their loans or never went to college and it's not enough for the majority of university debt slaves. Why wouldn't you be angry at this? It does nothing to fix the underlying problem so you know the intent is to keep milking it like abortion, dangling a carrot in front of zoomers who made the mistake of going for useless degrees.

Why complain? They should be laughing at this when it's barely a drop in the bucket with many debt-ridden college students.

Because everyone who isn't white already goes to uni for free

boomers complain about their peers getting a hand up, while ignoring their rules fucking them over their entire lives, i take solace in knowing their final moments will be spent being ruthlessly abused and neglected by the 3rd world shitskins they loved & supported so dearly.

Attached: boomers_future.webm (480x640, 1.44M)

How's the weather in Tel Aviv memeflaggit?

>roastie takes out loans
>goes on vacation to have sex with foreign chads
>waaaahhhh i can't pay

It's a thinly veiled way of buying votes with the opposition's money. It is widely known that universities create liberals and they are specifically targeted to benefit from this while the more conservative working class is most negatively affected. Probably been knocking around in that dementia ridden head since the Let's Go Brandon chants.

>Why complain?
Ask the kikes on Twitter they are absolutely seething

When the government was passing out printed dollars during the covid garbage how much was given to their friends and how much did you get?

This. And what's stopping me from taking out a $10k student loan now and having it immediately forgiven?

They engineered this entire problem themselves. Joe Biden did that. Biden made it so you couldn't discharge your student loans debt. The most sensible solution would've been striking down that piece of shit rule that Darth Brandon wrote for his backers in the Bank, but instead they'll keep using this sort of 'forgiveness' scam.
Make it so students can discharge their student loan debt in bankruptcy. BOOMERS GOT TO DO THIS; MANY OF THEM DID! It'll damage your credit rating for a decade but you're free and clear afterwards.

If I've already bought my food for the week and my neighbor, who is starving, gets some food pantry handouts, why should I be angry? I already have all the food I need and helping him cost me nothing.

You're not in the spirit of Christ. Repent before your soul meets the place of eternal torment.

>Why do boomers screech about students getting 10-20k in loans forgiven
Because they still think you can work a summer at McDonalds and pay for your college degree which will guarantee you a job that will buy you a nice house (and jet skis at your lake house). Boomers are just projecting their own laziness and entitlement on younger people because they had it so easy and everything handed to them.

The cut off date they set ;)

>shut down the economy
>offer loans that become grants if you employe people using the money through lockdown
>two years later try to shame politicians with the money you enticed them to take for the lockdown you demanded

Nigger tier behavior