I'm done with this shit

I'm done with this shit.
Everything on mobile is subpar
Everything is half assed
Nothing works
It's all botnet designed to spy on you and maybe do what you trying to do on occasion of the weather is right

Attached: H0qMoPZeYx8fAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png (127x128, 1.82K)

Same. I'm thinking of flashing a non-Google ROM. All I use it for is checking home CCTV cameras when I'm outside (own setup, not using any of that Ring botnet shit).

It can't even download shit on a slow connection

I have gigabytes of pictures that are only half saved
Yet freemasons and glowniggers have no problem gangstalking me from the iemi number it constantly broadcasts

The problem is because you are using an android. Get an iPhone and you wont have any of these problems, and you will get bitches cause now you wont be a green bubble.

Go with Linux

Android is just a wrapper for Linux, and a bad one at that. It tried security through gatekeeping but all it managed to do was give pajeet apps and your ccp rom making more access than you.

iOS is the samething but just a bad openbsd wrapper, they literally threw macos in the trash in 2009 to use openbsd instead

Kys and shove your green bubble up your ass
I don't breed with thots

ok virgin

Soiboi beta numale
I make bitches run linux

Its okay bro, just say you dont get any bitches.

>unlock bootloader
>install lineageOS
>install AdAway to block (((ads))) and (((trackers)) at the HOST level
>Use NewPipe for YouTube without (((ads)))
>VLC player for all your media needs
>Keepass encrypted database for your passwords
>Mull browser with Unlock extension
>App Manager to spy on the (((trackers))) tracking you

Fucking hell, user. Sort it out

Attached: Screenshot_20220827-144115_App Manager.png (1080x2400, 246.84K)

All phones glow, including iPhone. The question is how much they glow. Look up Pegasus spyware. Guess (((who))) developed it

Was meant for

iToddler spotted

Attached: bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg (750x1000, 90.49K)

You can try Lineage OS or any linux distro has support of arm cpu (aarch_64x | aarch_x86)

i keep bitches cgauned up in my basement
i force them to use tge commandline during bdsm sessions
"cimmand not found" activates tgeir ekectric butt plug
if they disobey i "rm ~/.xinitrc"
I have Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook blocked at the firewall

Like the elephantsfoot

Too bad it's the same as any PC.
But yeah, it's really shitty trying to do a damn thing with a touch screen.

Fastest Programming graduation on earth. Learned DOS, C++, Python AND COBOL in just under 4 weeks. Even had HTML 3-5.

Search on jewwgle on how to install fedora on android phone

Attached: 1661598755567583.jpg (1000x1024, 58.13K)

you're clearly just retarded.

Attached: Screenshot_20220827-090731_Brave - Beta.png (1080x2118, 541.01K)

Filters by the worlds most prolific and widely used os. That's cool I'm sure you'll make or find a better one. GL!