and it's not looking good at all for MAGA.

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Wtf, I love trump now!

No one knows anything, this is retarded. I thought leftists were anti fake news

This time it's really happening.

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more like tristan smells

holy shit the documents had the nuclear codes and a list of like 36 cia agents and he sent them all to chiner!?!?

Leftists wouldn't have any news without fake news

>Tristan Sneed

dare I say... Big if true?

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What's the problem? Dead glowniggers? No one sheds a tear for these people promoting sodomy and chaos overseas, except for the sodomites and pedophiles on the left I guess.

Normal people are on board with the wholesale mass murder of CIA/FBI/ATF, etc.

Oh, noes! Trump's eliminating our super cool, super effective woke agents working against the interests of Americans. Oh, noes!

>stole documents
How does the highest level in the US Armed Forces, with the ability to change Top Secret status on a whim, steal anything? I honestly don't give two fucks about Trump, so find something worth getting your panties in a bunch.

Drumpf was literally trying to enrich uranium at Mar A Lago to build a nuclear weapon. CNN reports according to anonymous sources, Trump allegedly purchased plutonium from suspected Libyan terrorists at Twin Pines Mall to build a MAGA MEGA bomb. Great Scott this is bad!

Good thing we have this guy - "aMEricA iS bAcK"!

Attached: TwinPinesMall.jpg (1080x740, 69.8K)

Opinion disregarded. No one cares. Trump wasn’t selling “secrets” to anyone . America is joke country for Jews and niggers

'tis true

2 more leaks

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Allowing retarded people to have a public voice has been a disaster for western civilization.

And it was declassified by virtue of Trump saying so and taking it out of the White House (IF this story is even true)


Tristan the fucking kike

these are informants, not Americans. just saying. it is being reported like he sent agents to die

Stop asking questions user

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Sup glownigger

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All other facts aside, Trump didn't even pack those boxes. He didn't know what was in them, and never checked. Just dropped them in a storage room.