If you consider yourself a Christian, explain why you aren't a Christian Socialist

If you consider yourself a Christian, explain why you aren't a Christian Socialist.

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>Christian socialism

More like socialist attempt to subvert Christianism.

Socialism is not compatible with any religion.

Because I pay taxes and thus I can't be a socialist.

uhh because I'm not a fag
simple as

Socialists have a habit of killing Christians and imprisoning them whenever they get power. It's an inherently atheistic and anti-religious political philosophy.

How? Don't most religions all call for aiding the poor, not exploiting the poor, and dealing fairly all around?

China must be terrible at it then since they have the 7th largest Christian population...

You sound like a fag if you're willingly choosing to live a worse life so someone with more wealth can keep theirs. Actually, you sound like a faggot and a cuckold

We don't need socialism.

Also, please don't feed this thread.

China is doing everything in its power to try and stop that. They're ripping down Churches, raiding homes, burning bibles and rewriting scripture to make it more Chinese. The growth of Christianity in China is a testament to the resilience of Christianity in the face of persecution more than it is a sign that socialism can co-exist with it.

Socialism aims to make Earth a paradise. This is against what Christ teached us, since we are travelers in this world and our true home is Heaven. Remember that Satan has dominion over the Earth, so by trying to make Earth a Paradise, you are slaving yourself to Satan and his dominion. You can't be christian and lefist since one is contradictory to another.

Can I see some actual evidence for those claims lol? I'm very skeptical that modern China can't suppress dissidents

The poor do, so go fuck yourself

The Spiritual Evil of Socialism:








Thank you brothers. God bless you.

>pretending this is what socialism is
Good job on proving 's point.

How quickly that de-escalated from socialists killing Christians to socialists not letting crosses be displayed...

I wouldn't expect non-Christians to understand compassion nor would I expected right wingers to understand socialism.

They're killing people too but those are just the leaders of Churches who get dragged off and are never heard from again. The war against Christianity in China is mostly about curtailing its visibility by destroying the public signs of it. Anyway your point was that socialism and Christianity can co-exist since you think China has a large Christian population and I've proven that conclusively false, whether or not they're outright killing Christians is not the issue, they're being prevented from practicing their faith and that is enough reason to justify why any Christian would not support a socialist regime.

>damage control
Your pathetic attempt at handwaving the glaring schism at the center of your made-up ideology is not unnoticed. You know nothing of Christ, you know nothing of Socialism; or, conversely, you don't care about it beyond the subversion you have been instructed to carry out. Either way, repent.

Compassion existed before socialism. Socialism doesn't enbodies compassion.

Yep. If they can't kill it or can't subvert it, they try to hide it as their greatest shame.

If enough people were compassionate we wouldn't need socialism. How can the United States of America, home to the wealthiest people on the planet, also have people without homes and without enough to feed themselves or their family?

>If you consider yourself a Christian
I don't

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Read this again :

Ok, now read this again