I feel immoral for speaking ill of my country

I feel immoral for speaking ill of my country

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which one? israel or the shabbos goy shopping mall one?

that's called jewish brainwashing

And I feel the same when I have sexual intercourse with your mother

The deprogramming will take a month or two.

the one which I'm a citizen of

Israel or Mexico? both share control




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It doesn't work I've been here for 10 years and despite its infinite flaws i still bizarrely adore america

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you should think of the kingdom coming from above but be thankful for whatever good this corrupt country has done for you in the meantime

I do too
If you're honest in critique, than don't be ashamed or feel guilt.
It's okay to be skeptical.

but do you really speak ill of your country, or are you speaking ill of the gov or certain faggots acting within your country? huh? not the same thing....

Personnally I don't, since the governement =/= the country and it's people

Also, morality is a spook used by the elites to trick the npc's into supporting the "good and just" current thing. So don't care.

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You probably aren't white then, because America is an anti-white nation that all white people should naturally despise.

any feeling of patriotism or love of country has been cauterized from my mind


My country has been run by the soc dems for pretty much 100 years, my country is the rape-capital of Europe.

Ahh, feels good to say the truth.

It's the fucking countrymen lol. Little tiring having to deal with a bunch of retarded effeminate kike slaves with no brain of use?

It's not like your country, they'll actually do, hmmmmmm, lemme che- nothing. They will do nothing, spicanon.

It's only your people who matter. Everything else is retarded distractions