Why is Stalin so popular among Russians nowadays?

Why is Stalin so popular among Russians nowadays?

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He almost exterminated the Kikes.

Stalin was actually based

Always has been

He knows how to win a war for one.

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Gulag Hotel

>commits genocide against ukrainians before WW2
>defeats nazi chudmany in WW2
>persecutes jews after WW2
Holy based

Because he was "Gets things done" type of person. Despite the atrocities, he did create a nuclear superpower out of practically nothing. Compare it to your average "poltician" whose only concern is the power itself, so he wastes half of his term on prepraring to the next elections.

During the Battle of Moscow, Stalin remained in the city when most of the government fled to the east. Stalin went out to Red Square and held the annual revolutionary parade despite the threat of the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht looming large over the city. His effect on the morale of the defenders cannot be understated, and if the Germans had captured Moscow... things might have gone very differently.

Besides, how many bank robbers do you know that became world leaders?

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He's portrayed as a war hero and most young people don't know about the atrocities he committed.

He was a war hero, atrocities aside.

That actually makes sense. Russia 1917 was a complete shithole. But 1949 it was a nuclear superpower.

>Why is Stalin so popular among Russians nowadays?

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That never happened, but it should have.

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For one thing, Stalin stole the revolution from the grips of the jews (Lenin, Trotsky) and killed most of the old guard (jews) who wanted to use the USSR as a staging point to launch international communism. Stalin put a stop to that and combined Russian culture/nationalism with communism. Kikes like Trotsky underestimated Stalin because he was a country bumpkin peasant and Trotsky was a member of the intelligencia. They treated him as a dumb shabbos goy and didn't realize the threat he posed until it was too late. Stalin, despite his commie politics, shows what it takes to suppress the jew: ruthless extermination.
But these are Any Forums talking points. The reason Russians like him is that he made their country strong. He won the great war against their enemies and transformed their backwater into a superpower the world feared. He gave them pride in being a great nation. Russians don't mind his purges because that's just what russian leaders do in general, starting with Ivan the Terrible. Autocrats murdering a large percentage of the population is part of their culture at this point. Russians are willing to overlook these things if it results in a strong Russian nation.
Yeltsin and Gorbachav didn't kill millions of innocent Russians. Yet they are despised and hated. This is because they turned Russia into a laughingstock with foolish economic policies and drunken shenanigans.

He's not popular. The thread is closed.

Why are you people so unoriginal?

rose tinted glasses

He's not popular, but buildings built during his rule (and slightly after) are still the best-looking and architecture is kinda reflective of how were things going in my opinion.
Then the decay came and it all went to shit. So I can understand why people like him.

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stockholm syndrome. stalin loved jews and hated russians.