Minimum wage should be $30 dollars an hour

Minimum wage should be $30 dollars an hour

That's the absolute bare minimum just to afford rent and groceries

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>screech about $15 for years
>get it
>now we need $30 reeeeeeee
You deserve to be killed.

>the government should regulate wages and cost of living
They do, moron, through immigration policy. You're clearly just too retarded to see the connection.

Yes but that would require that the Jewish faggots controlling every layer of Government and Banks and Media acknowledge that they caused a 100% currency inflation for the last 2 years, and that it was their fault and that moving the rates up is the right solution.

I've been studying Jews for a long time and I calculate the probability of that to be zero.

They had to take out natural gas, housing, all foodstuffs, tuition, healthcare and electricity out of the CPI calculation just so the Jewish stolen money can be debased.

We're not dealing with people trying to do the right thing. We're dealing with the most evil people who came out of palestine over the last 1700 years. They don't care about human life, they care about expanding their power over everyone else.

>minimum wage goes up dramatically
>prices of everything eventually go up to cover labour costs
>purchasing power goes back to what it was before
Great plan

Enjoy having no job and working under the table on the black market instead, as God intended. That way you don't have to fork over any wages to the private jewish federal reserve bank corporation.

It clearly say $7.25 midwit

That's already happened but prices haven't stopped rising

So you need to increase the wage to meet the rising prices

>Dude you can't raise minimum wage because everything will get more expensive
>Everything gets more expensive anyways regardless of minimum wage

That was before the private jewish federal reserve bank corporation inflated away the value of the dollar as intended. Why do communists never complain about the communist takeover of the international banking system?

The dregs who aim for minimum wage as a career only live in the green states that have capitulated to their demands albeit on a phased in timeline. And by the time they get to $15 it'll be long since worthless. They deserve this happening to them.

minimum wagies are either children taking their first job, or sub humans.

>let's ignore the artificial population increade of 60,000,000 spics and incentives more importation of labor
I hate you econically illiterate retards beyond words. The problem is immigration you retarded turbonigger

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>That's already happened but prices haven't stopped rising
>So you need to increase the wage to meet the rising
No no no you don't get to turn us into Zimbabwe before we were ever Rhodesia.

>it didn't work so let's just try the same thing over and over again

As a fulltime minimum wage worker in MA I have no chance of owning a vehicle and an apartment at the same time (nevermind ever saving foe a house). At some point society decided people on the lowest wrung just didn't deserve to live at all.

Again like I said, even if minimum wage didn't go up in some states, the prices of things would still be at the same inflated levels as they are now.

>le minimum wage
Build your own business, wagie-cagie. And you will understand how deep is rabbits arsehole.

people need to be more responsible with their money. I never had any issues getting by on minimum wage, and if I did I made lifestyle changes. and if those weren't enough, I looked into making bigger changes. it's not that fucking hard, you just have to accept that life is not always (or ever) going to be easy

many* not any 0_o

It's one thing to pretend that it won't happen before it does. You got what you wanted: rapid minimum wage increases in the states you cretins actually live in. Now you still can't afford anything. Now you're done.

Bum fuck middle states have the same increase on rent and products as does New York and they didn't increase their minimum wage

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Why not make minimum wage $100/hour? Wouldn't that be even better? Shit, make it $500/hour. Power to the working class, right?

And minimum wage would still be idiotic and not improve anything at all. All communism is like this. It's a jewish religion of breaking things so that there's always a continual excuse to complain and foment revolution.

You don't mind it when Jews inflate their salary, only when the working man does. Hmm?

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>not outsourcing
ngmi lad

Then move to new york and find out why people are leaving that shithole state in droves (including me)

The jews run the government. They're the ones rigging the minimum wage around, not the worker. Are you really this retarded? That's how the stay in power tricking the dumb goyim.


That's not the argument, you're trying to correlate price to minimum wage and yet prices have gone up across the board

Then don't work for anything less than that, fren.

It is the argument. If you think new york is doing something right then move there and find out for yourself. There's no need to agitate for more communism in places you don't live.

Ok wise guy, what's your solution?
Prices continue going up so fuck anybody else, I got mine?

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FPBP and checked.

the fake president just gave consoomers a $7,500 refund if they buy an electric car. the car companies just raised the price of their electric cars by $7,500. this just happened. you are an idiot who doesn't understand how anything works.

>DC minimum wage is 15
>filled with poor niggers

Why isnt it working?

>Consumers did not get anything for housing
>House prices continue going up

Explain to me how that works?

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Did you miss how I keep saying private jewish federal reserve bank corporation? That's what's causing the wealth disparity because it was installed to begin with as a way to scoop productivity out of the economy so that it wouldn't be too much more attractive to talent than Europe. So what do we do there? Well nationalizing it overnight won't fix too much at this point in time, but the executive branch does have a lot of bargaining power over it in order to effect a transition in the right direction.

I could go on from there, but it would fall on deaf ears because you're stuck in some sort of MMT world that is meant to destroy all personal property ownership, including spending money, so that everything can be controlled by the central government.

Average wage has been $15/hr(adjusted) for decades. Until last year when it jumped to $16/hr.

Minimum wag has always been an arbitrary and worthless number.

I'm holding out for 50.

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Speculation and inflation. Were you not around for the 2007 housing bubble? How can you have all these charts at the ready and know absolutely nothing about what you're complaining about?